Hello forums. I don't really understand the changes made to guild hansel so much, and would like some build advice please. Would I be better to change 20 x level 4 guilds to level 1 sos. Or Change each guild to a level 3 sos, one at a time? Thank you in advance to whoever understands build mechanics.
Now that's an excellent question... For around 60b, you might either switch 20 guilds for 20 SoSes lvl1, or 4 guilds for 4 SoSes lvl3... All I can tell you from my own experience, is that getting 4 lvl3 SoSes did drop my plunder. And I wonder if the 20 SoS lvl1 solution would be the more viable one. Don't rush it, wait for people having done those conversions before to post their advice... UCP might even have some cold figures for you.
Would convert to sos lvl 1, as lvl 3 has dropped my plunder although lvl 1 has steadily increased it, although by a small amount it all adds up.
Inversion. Please leave this thread. Oh and maybe check on your alt reversion. It was stripped and cleaned out a while ago, you low life fail.
Gh conversion to Sh (shadow Hansel) = 44 lv1 SoS, buy atk heavy hf building/s for troops and 2 hf sdt, the more towers the more u leak, btw this is a basic sh war foundation build
I'm in the process if converting guild's to sos myself but I'm also wondering how far into hl i should go before i start. im thinking 14hl then start conversion. what i do know of the guild4 and sos1 is they are similar so like in the past i don't think it would be beneficial to even swap one unless you had enough to instantly upgrade your sos. just my thoughts
Oh boy I nearly forgot about the gh nerf.Now attention starved Al has actually have something to lose again and not hide behind a garbage build.Good luck tough guy
I have a little alt with guilds only on lowlands and now I'm converting to Sos. I am replacing one guild with one lvl 1 Sos at the time and my ally plunder increases a little each time, by doing so. I'm not sure what advice I should give you, considering I'm not good with builds nor mechanics. This was just what I observed(don't know if that's the right word lol)
@ chubby_nobody. I'm sorry you hate me so much. It's sad for you that the most attention you ever get in kaw is by turning up on my threads, carrying on like some butt hurt little nobody. Please take your fail somewhere else. You're not even a joke you're so pathetic. Fail. Please leave this thread chabby_loser. Your useless contribution is not needed on this occasion moron.
Why you mad bro cause I'm right? And you need a pack of your own bum licking weasels to make yourself feel better?"hey I'm gerty and I just farmed someone look at me" lol @ you and you called me pathetic? Look at your self dude you're a true FAIL...
something I might point out, is in my understanding Alison isn't a "dude/guy/bro" pretty sure Alison/Amelia aren't male names usually. Also, what's so wrong with asking for build advice? People should be free to ask for advice without pointless trolling and silliness. She plays the way she wants too, can't really fault her for enjoying her unique style.
sand box game. play as you want. pioneer's making new build's and developing mechanics we use. farmer's solving world hunger. eb fairies keeping a steady supply of gold in circulation. tourney fighters keeping the prestige and pushing the envelope and last but certainly not least the crusty soldiers keeping the old kaw alive and causing as much chaos as possible to keep things interesting.
@scabby_loser. I'm not mad. You're The one who appears on my threads whining all the time. You seem to be the one who's mad. It took me a while to remember. But now I do. I remember I farmed you, and you pretended To be inactive. You hid like the weak joke you are. Like i already said. Take your fail somewhere else. You're boring, butthurt and irrelevant.
I converted a l4 guild to l3 sos 1 by 1 and i noticed an increase in plunder... I dont ever have the same problem as anyone else. Sucks to suck