Solution to no matches

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ProviingAPoint, Jul 10, 2016.

  1. No Matches And A Solution

    We all warriors know that no matches have been a depressing part of the Wars.So,I have come up with a solution that benefits the unlucky ones.


    If,for example, a clan named Clan X got a No match,all the players of the players of the team will get a message that you have been given a no match and you now can match the Dev team. The developer team will be consisting of a random set of players owned by the developers and controlled by a computer.
    Also,this team will be very hard to defeat but can give the players losing rewards(better than nothing).
    If Clan X Consists of All Ps1 builds,The dev team will have builds stronger to them. This is only to provide the unlucky ones a chance to stay in their leaderboard ranks.
    This will also add players joining wars because obviously everyone wants to beat the devs:) Also this will give some clans a tough change to win.

    This is only a suggestion so keep the ideas flowing.
  2. No, just no
  5. Just give people things for a no match not hard.
  6. Support
  7. Lighters.
  9. Support great idea
  10. At least extend the 2x rewards into next slot for a no match
  11. The no match team should be split in 2 and have a war 7 Vs. 8. Devs make an algorithm that randomly split the team.
  12. *palm punctures through skull*
  13. Lol
  15. Good idea. Needs to be modified a bit.
  16. Could be interesting, a NPC opponent that's set to the cs of your combined team (Bfa/Bfe included). Allowing a fair war instead of a no match. Support
  17. Only thoughtful reply lol.Thanks :)
  18. Rub two sticks together
  19. @cf

    Realistically this is one of the few suggestions in forums that makes sense. Everyone wants a solution to warring, but offers no realistic ideas.

    If they implimented it correctly, they could use this to stop Leaks/Moles/In actives as well. They could run Indy/ll wars side by side.

    Season 7 "Apes Verses All!"
    Players could build rosters without fear of matching Lb players or run Indy & face off against NPC. It would change the dynamic of everything. There's no point in leaking if your facing an opponent with nothing to gain. Moles would die as no other team would be there for them to reveal strategy.

    Would take some serious coding & tweaking. However allowing it to adjust based on rosters ect, & using different strategies would be fair for all while "No matches" are no longer a problem.
  20. It wouldn't be war.