solo sign up for ee wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ReturnOfWcom, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. There's are some problems with matchup being unfair. The particular instances I'm referring to are when you are matched up correctly by size in the match up, but the differnece between the two ranks in strength is huge.

    To clarify we were 12th in size and we were matched up with a clan 10th in size. This should in theory be a decent match up, however the problem is that it was 41 vs 71 and their total size was at least 2x of us ... This war will only end in one way and it was evident after the first k/o. It was just downhill from there.

    To combat this I think solo queue for ee wars could help alleviate this kind of problem.

    -if u solo queue. You are not guaranteed a spot in war. If u want a sure spot. Join a clan.
    - not really thought this through, but maybe when u sign up. U can specify whether u meant mercs?
    - solo sign up might help with participation and have bigger wars.

    You might be 10th and u are matched with 9th and they can be 3 times as strong! It's not really fun of either side.

    There's nothin worse than thinking after match up you've wasted your time. It's happening quite often and hence the post.
  2. A matchup is never going to be completely fair. If you want fair make your own friendly war outside of EE to war.
    That being said if your forty one members were taken against anther clan with forty members you guys would have probably overwhelmed them with your stats.
    Point is, someone is always going to have an advantage in war.
  3. See the other post abou estoc wars, bonus plunder mith and eq?

    Most ppl have no problems losing o a better team. But when ppl are twice your strength and have 20 more actives. The matchup needs tweaking.

    I think the match up system is fine. But when there the war starts and its already decided who will win after 5 mins. It's a waste of time.

    I think having solo queue and enabling ppl to join to make up thy extra 20 active member difference will help the match making a lot and wars more fun.
  4. Oooh, I like solo applying. Sort of like All Star Wars, right? But the match up system will take too long. At least 100 clans participate each EW, 30 members minimum (give them an average of 50 members = 5000 participants). Maybe more, depending on the war. If it takes 10 minutes to matchup 100 clans, it can take easily several hours to matchup the 5000 players, put them into, say 100 clans. and then match those up.
  5. Yeah kinda. Once the matchups are made u know which side is lacking. so it shouldnt take long to add the ppl to smaller aide

    Sort of something like this.

    - u have to be cleanness to solo queue for ee
    - you are not gauranteed a war spot!! Once the slots are filled the rest are kicked out of queue.
    - clans when they sign up have the option to opt out of random ppl joining their clan via match making

    I don't think it will add much time to the match up. Once you've calculated the match up takes 5-10mins then an additional stage of match up solo queues will begin.

    So it's the same as now with one additional step, adding ppl to clans.
  6. Thought I throw in a few scenarios

    Scenario 1)
    - 100 clans sigh up for war
    - 100 clans chose to not accept mercs
    - 20000 ppl solo queued for we war. But since there are 0 spaces 20000 ppl are removed from queue.

    Scenario 2)
    - 100 clans sign up
    - only 1 clan (rank 3/100) enables mercs to join
    - rank 3 is matched up with rank 2 but its 71 vs 98.
    - 20000 queued up for solo queue
    - 98-71 = 27. 27 ppl are taken from queue and added to clan 3 to make it 98vs98
    - the rest of the ppl are kicked out of the queue.

    Without the queue part the clan with 71 will get ripped apart. Actually it happened today. ;)

    EDIT: clan was full but only had 70 odd actives. Not the match up's fault. But this scenario has happened before.
  7. Support 
  8. I've forwarded this on in an support email. Again today another war outnumbered by 20. ^_^ and its not looking good lol.

    However any contructive ideas or feedback appreciated.
  9.  Support. Yes it would take a little longer but would help a lot
  10. I like the idea but what happens when a clan has 100 people and 30 cast spells to not partake in war? They can't be added to because it would exceed clan limit.

    Would it be up to the clan to make room prior to the matchup just in case it was necessary to get a fair matchup?
  11. Scenario 3). Clan A accepts 10 mercs into their clan and because they didn't know they were warring decided to go shoe shopping and clan B feeds of inactive mercs Yay!
  12. if you clan is full its full then no one can be added period. :)
  13. My clan was matched up with a clan with same size the only difference was strength they have about 16 members with one stat at least 1,000,000 and only 10 of our members have at least 1,000,000 of any stat they just simply had me and all the big guys down we couldn't get out of pin the only way for us to make money was to hit at beginning or hit them when we were pinned but even at that we were simply getting ganged up by there guys I would like to see a better match-up next time Thanks
  14. It's not the devs fault you have a clan of inactives.

    That's your fault.

    End of.
  15. The idea needs refining but the basics are good.
  16. I like to 1v1 so I would enjoy a 1v1 EE. It needs tweaking though.
  17. lmao that was a fun war for me :) too bad it ended in me almost getting stripped farmed by you guys. and I was on your side :lol:


    I honestly didn't expect you guys to forfeit. I was expecting you to continue on with your futile attempts to win. I did, however, plan to leave as soon as things became 10 bil deficit.

    Just goes to show, I suggest forfeit, everyone says "NO!!!" 1 hour later, I come back, status says: "prepare for forfeit" I say, looks like I was right, eh? then I get threatened to be perma farmed :) ahh the soreness of losers.

    I seem to remember saying that "this war is pointless. There is no way we are going to win". yet I kept hitting. so did everyone else. Everyone told me "we will win. no problem".

    I always say: Don't expect much and you won't be disappointed. proved true today, didn't it urn?
  18. Nice mate 
  19. No Support!
    Winning a war needs strategy that can't be expected to be followed from strangers. It takes time to gel as a team and work on the negatives....
    ASW is a unique tournament, once in an year. Its wrong to compare these wars with ASW...