SoH request for CF with Mercinary Inc.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Fin-Nor-, May 21, 2012.

  1. Cheers!

    Has been a thoroughly entertaining OSW with Merc, but SoH request it is the time for old friends to laydown and shake hands. Both sides have shown great strength, courage, and fight in their KAW game.

    SoH further requests Clowking remain in our ranks despite his poor choice of words towards your clan.

  2. Hmm..I thought the war was going good..but oh well.

    Thank you for the fun Mercenary Inc, much respect to all of you.
    Also, I'd like to thank all members of SoH and guests for standing together.

    And before the noobs pour in, this isn't us surrendering, it's us accepting that this is going nowhere.

  3. So, who won?
  4. (/)_(\)

    Cause one face palm just isn't Enough
  5. Neither, we agreed to mutual CF as neither side will get anywhere.
  6. So, no-one wins?

    That sucks.
  7. Indeed it does.
  8. Well, so...
  9. Lolwut? I thought this was a CF?
  10. Some CF that was.
  11.  My thoughts to a 
  12. Nah, they're pushing for more, they need to understand we're not backing down to their requests.
  13. Cool. Epic Speech :

    We will NOT agree to the Mercenaries demands. We HAVE given them peace, and they demand the World. We will kill them all, burn the bodies, watch the Chelsea Flower Show 2012 and laugh at James May on Top Gear. Meh
  14. Lmao mastermind :lol:
  15. Lol The woman who looks like a man on the Chelsea Flower Show makes me lol
  16. Just for clarification mastermind is NOT a member of any AAH clan.
  17. NG you can get him a name change for falsifying his name tag. It might be a stretch but I've seen it.

    It's false and misguiding information.
  18. Whats cf stand for? My common sense is gone