SO when do we get the reset items?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Threshner (01), Jun 25, 2012.

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  1. If i cannot get the reset items from resets when will i be able to get them in normal EBs? I dont understand how they would remove resets and let people keep the items they have already gotten. I only have 1 item and currently as it stands i will be always be underpowered compared to other players who lucky enough got them done.

    There is a achievement out there that deals with reset bonuses that does absolutely nothing as of yet. So should i just quit this game because i will never be never be able to get the stat bonuses that others have. I mean why play a game when people will always be stronger then you no matter how long you play?
  2. You can't get them devs changed there minds
  3. It's not their problem you couldn't reset enough times in that time. If other ppl can so can u
  4. Shut up,stop whining, and come up with another way to obtain these items that is as difficult as LC reseting was when the items were first introduced. I've already thought of several different ways, but am refining them/too lazy to make a thread for them.

    I probably wouldn't even try to obtain them even if they were brought back, and I'm coming up with ideas on how to re-introduce them.

    Jeez. People just ***** and moan.

    And I like to ***** and moan about those bitching and moaning people. :lol:

    But seriously...

    Problem solved. /lock.
  5. @sholron: So true, as soon as I found out about reset bonuses (back in 2010) I did them! Now imagine this, there were no EB's or even Pwars! Those who knew an OSF were very lucky! I was just a little newb, I had to do my LC resets from farming people. It took me several months to finish.
  6. Lol.
    The reset items are GONE! They may come back in a later update, but I doubt it.

    Honestly, however, players with out the reset items will do just fine. You are not underpowered to most of KaW, and of your stats are equal to a person who has all the items, you can still win if you are clever. So buck up! Get some items and enchant them. That should level the playing field. ;-)
  7. hah so since i started playing a month before they got rid of them and got to one and half resets the legit way i should be penalized by being weaker. I don't care how you look at it if you don't have the reset items you will be weaker when you with no items go against someone with the items if you both have the same optimized stats. It may be my perfectionist coming out but its just amazing how they see this as normal.

    i am assuming i just joined the game at the wrong time and well since everybody evidently got their reset items in 2010 there is no point in anyone new joining and having worse stats at the end. Oh well KAW
  8. I have little time for your complaints. I have only one reset item my self, and it has not affected me in the slightest. I still make war, I still have fun, and I don't complain

    So I suggest you grow up or leave if you wish.

  9. Well good thing i never asked you to read my posts or take the time to make a post. Thanks for using your time and replying though =).
  10. Thresher if you don't shutup and stop complaining. I am going to use my 4 lc reset items to whoop your but.
  11. Also I believe that older players should be available to have more bonuses. Since they have been playing longer.
  12. good point
  13. I agree Decus older players have kept the game going for the next noobs to come in.I got my 4 resets in like 2 months before they stopped them
  14. lol it's only 8% boost, most players play this without any Pro Packs and they give 25% boost.
    If you're going to quit over a stupid reason like this, theres something wrong with you.
  15. Developers should allow reset items as a drop from epic battles, so these items can be achieved by a random player with a random unload.

    Have fun further destroying a war game based on luck.

    Good Luck 
  16. Chill man. If you want reset items, make a computer account if you don't already have one, and do the first quest until you get 780 nobility. Then buy all pro packs with your hard earned nobs and treat that as your reward.
  17. Crap...I had 3 out of 4 resets on an alt...
  18. What r the items
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