So what do we actually want?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by MM--Monkey--of--Mayhem--MM, Oct 10, 2022.

  1. Ok ok ok I know asw this year! But let's be realistic here, the Devs actually spend the majority of the time either ignoring our tickets or our forums posts and then ask us thru a survey what we would like to see ! The survey results will never be seen so lets give the Devs a list of things we would love to see happen! For me one of the best events Devs ran was the tower event! Bought the community together and gave us a real thinking event that was so much fun ! For me apert from asw maybe a big event like that! Next please !
  2. I would like to see the developers take steps forward and stop taking steps backwards. For example this latest legends format is complete crap. Give us back clan wars, reward us greatly for winning. Let's us truly profit from PvP and get rid of the rewards for pve. Scrap premium ebs. I do like the furnishings but strip most of the influence furnishings has over the accounts. It's Kingdoms at War DAMMIT! Stop forcing us to play house and let us FIGHT!
  3. Interact with the community and let us know our voices and complaints are heard. Let us know what is being worked on. Let us know the size of the dev team for kaw specifically so we can have realistic expectations. Current community manager is doing a terrible job of being the voice between the players and actual developers :)
  4. I would love some new non-premium EBs. Some that are harder (and more rewarding) than GOTH/NOTH.

    Would also like some new (much harder) quests.
  5. There is one, it’s AOTA
  6. Lord2Gunz for V.K .He is bridging the gap and helping and advising all kaw players with problems they are having trying to understand and play ATA's biggest bad boy " Single city " .And he does it all with a smile on his face and love in his heart for the ATA family . Making the transition between the 2 games flow with ease .
  7. What you need to know...



  8. I just simple things like a consistent and predictable method of adding new equipment to their respective lists in the equipment and mage areas. It gets annoying when trying to find new items but it not be sorted alphabetically or chronologically (or even based combined stats). Same for mage when upgrading multiple items; they move around the list making it hard to track which ones have upgraded or not. Maybe if this is implemented, provide a way sort it the way we want like alphabetical, chronological, combined stats, attack, defense, spy attack, and spy defense.