Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by kingofking70, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. With the new upgrades of tier 7 building many mids and and smalls have already said goodbye to kaw. The situation is similar where a rich gets richer and poor gets poorer, sonce only l.b can survive this challenge . Its gonna take a year or more for player like me to complete abyss but by then new lands will be introduced.

    So a kind request to devs that plz run the horses of your mind to save us .else we are ready to quit .

    And an advice !!
    plz be less greedy
  2. plz support with I QUIT message . thanks
  3. I will prob quit some time in the future
  4. Support
    Already II'm tired of seeing every update for biggies
  5. now the big hansels get 120b / full bar
    and we are not geting 12 b
  6. I think it's revolution on KAW small guys stay small and big ones go more big
  7. I don't want to do anything, I do what I want.
  8. Yea chaos/cella/RedStar are making 1-1.5 t per hte. I quit. Not litteraly. But I do quit upgrading lol
  9. Let's see how much they make with out the plunder bonuses/HTE increase.
  10. I think I'll grow, not quit. I won't ever be lb. but I intend to get big
  11. yes bro this post is just to snatch the attention of devs to our bracket !! SO JUST POST I QUIT
  12. I pretty much have quit Kaw, just messing with a couple clans, that keep giving me their power
  13. Can op just quit already kaw will be a better place
  14. They did pay attention, why should we be able to bc in one year when it took other players 4+ years, if youre upset that you won't bc then you should have played earlier or more often
  15. Or you could stop sucking at kaw and grow like everybody else. You want the hard work others put in to not happen because they work hard and spend hard to grow, while you hit an eb 5x a day you wanna be on the same level?
  16. yes i cant seal everyday !! but i need an alternative to grow !! all should be given equal opportunity . that devs dont give
  17. It's been 4+ years for me they over 200k+ actions u should be cb by now but no debs has to make it harder on us
  18. Keep grinding a way and be glad you've found a game that can hold your attention this long. I for one love the constant uphill battle, keeps me intrigued. Once I BC I would probably get bored.
  19. I once quit kaw, then I woke up
  20. Who cares about cs. You dont need to be BC to compete. Ill probably never be BC again but i dont mind. Now im out of the LB brackets of indy which is great! All those big guys will grow out of my range.