So, how about that debate?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IlIlIlIlI-Versa-IlIlIlIlI, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. This is in regards to the GOP debate that took place a couple hours ago. I learned 10 things from the 10 candidates tonight.

    1) Trump should be listened too because he's rich.

    2) I wouldn't let Carson operate on my brain any day of the week.

    3) Christie is back to his ole "9/11" days.

    4) Rand Paul is much worse than his father.

    5) Speaking of fathers, Ted Cruz's daddy issues got old. Plus he was born in Montreal?

    6) Scott Walker is on a mission from God.

    7) Jed Bush promised to be better than both his Father and Brother combined.

    8) Marc Rubio was the most well spoken individual on the night.

    9) Huckabee's purpose of the military is "To kill people and break things."

    10) And did Kazich even say anything?

    Of course, don't forget the Hillary bashing by all 10 candidates. Still, I guess it could have gone worse? What does everyone else take away from this? All I know is I'm ready for the next debate :lol:
  2. Mensa Fraternity held a convention for 10 ppl.
    The result was 11 ideas.
  3. Cruz and Paul.

    And you forgot Carly Fiorina. Would love to see her and Cruz in office.

  5. I thought 12 Mensans were in a room and 13 differing opinions were given 
  6. Missed it. :(
  7. Cats outta da bag.......
    I was not one of the 12
  8. TRUMP 2016
  9. Yes let's get into 3 wars
  10. Bleh.. I took away that Bernie Sanders really needs to win.
  11. Bumping because Buckeye asked, "where?" :lol:
  12. :eek: whoa. You can't have this debate without me!!!!!! I never knew a political debate could be so interesting lmao.

    Anyway, one thing hat really stuck out for me was the jeb bush said he's brothers war was a mistake..... And that he supports common core.

    But mainly, he said the war was a mistake. Like, really? Yes, America, the country where we let you touch us and we do absolutely nothing. Such a great place to live :lol:

    But on a side not, I like how trump is talking out on the subject most event touch with a 10 foot pole.
  13. Toxic, check the last sentence but I think I got your point. Yes Jed seems to be the worst of the Bush's, and trump just seems ridiculous. I can't get behind him at all honestly.

    I can't decide if I like common core either. It seems like a rough idea similar to how all Universities require core curriculum before doing major work, but this is grade school we are talking about. Not the university system :lol:
  14. :eek: I said events lmao. Too lazy to fix it.

    And I never said I liked trump, just what he talks about.

    And yes, it is grade school. And honestly, if they want this implemented, they should do it better.

    Atm, they put it in k-12 at once. Like really? High school students have been on the old curriculum this whole time.

    Why not just start it in kindergarten and then when those move to 1st, move it up with them and so on.

    Plus, I've looked at the common core textbooks. I don't have much hope for me kids......
  15. Common core is a difficult idea. All children learn differently but it's also difficult to prep them for college and graduate school if they aren't on the same level as their peers academically. Suddenly poor schools get worse while rich school thrive.

    It's definitely an interesting idea, but very hard to implement to be honest. An exact plan for 13 years of school is quite difficult but possible so long as the plan makes sense to the children
  16. But that's the thing. I had a friend in school with a little sister that's in elementary.

    She said her math homework was really dumb.

    Her little sister asked her to help with math homework.

    She ask what was 2x2. The older sister rep dee with just add 2 together and get 4.

    Like how we were all taught.

    Well, the little sister sat there and said that she was taught it should be like 5-6 steps to get 4. I'm just like -.- this is what they are teaching our kids?

    But in all seriousness, the constitution states that education is left up to the states. Yet, the federal government is trying to intervene.

    This is prolly why out nation is falling.

    Trying to fix things that work don't work...l
  17. Idk.. Alabama. That state could use some help.