SNR WAS AN !@# Clown

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Ima-imf-, Oct 7, 2012.

  1. just saying. glad that loser doesnt play kaw anymore. id spit on his face if i met him in real life.
  2. Where's that confounded delete button at....
  3. First !!! And cool story bro ! tell it again !! :cool:
  4. ITT: one (1) butthurt noob.
  5. He jelly that Snr is better
  6. Post with your main next time. Grow some balls and stop being a coward.
    Damn statless alts 

  7. suck me beautiful
  8. Am I beautiful?
  9. Who is SNR?
  10. An old vet
  11. Come on coward, show your main...
    Let me challenge you to a 1v1...
    Now eighter show/post with your main or shut the **** up
  12. I think OP takes this game a little too seriously..
  13. Don't waste your time on a loser like him.
  14. Takes a lot of class to demean a proven kaw warrior who isn't here to defend himself. Post with your main coward and let's get this party started.
  15. Should lay off of the sexual type comments.... the Mods don't like that !!!!!
    and who says I'm not posting with my main ? perhaps I like message boards more than being a keyboard Rambo ... you didn't stop to think of that did ya now ????
  16. Maybe you stick to your keyboards since obviously you have nothing of substantial to say dork, I mean mork or whoever you are 
  17. Look like vaticanassassinwarlock not over beatings he got from snr for months

    shame he too  to post with flatliner or Vatican

    oops I just tell all who is silly little me
  18. And op is a ***** for posting in his alt
  19. I farmed that Vatican assassin guy before