Smog Dragon Chestplate Enchanting Problems

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Andy, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. Sooooo I got my smog dragon chest plate enchanted to level 4... Afterwards I have literally spent 40 aqua trying to get it past level 4 but it fails every bloody time. Can someone please explain this or am I just incredibly unlucky?
  2. Spraggas onto you
  3. They said that the event equip will be harder to enchant past the points of rewards. Aka 5 and 10. So if you got it at 0 its hard to get to 5 and 10. If you got it at 5 it wont reset below 5 and it will be hard to get to 10.
  4. Ahhh thanks Shadow. Probs never gunna try enchanting it again.. Rip my 40 aqua haha
  5. That piece of equip is crap. Get plate from acc
  6. Only 40? Bro I used 100s
  7. I got mine to level 6 and only had 2 fails
  8. I can't enchant my shield over lv5 spent way more doing that than op.

  9. Ive spent over 250 closer to 300 aqua just at level 9 alone. I donf wanna hear that crap
  10. I spent 300+ getting to lvl 9. But if you dont give up it is possible. I spent maybe another 75 and got to 11. But yes it is tough to get there.
  11. Save at least 100 of each then mass enchant. Thats what i did with my moth stuff
  12. Mine too still lvl9
  13. It's hardest to enchant going from 4 -> 5 and 9 -> 10.