Smaller Players Casting opt out spell

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIX_Poison_Ivy_XIlI, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Are the opt out spells for the Estocs Wars only available to those who have unlocked the alchemist? If so thats total BS! Majority of my clan wants to war but there are a few newer players that cant due to RL and its seems like they are going to have to leave if i go ahead with the war!
    My clan is very new and i'm trying to build it up while also getting new guys involved in the wars but this is gonna be very difficult if the new guys cant cast the spells. What if they did the first 2 wars and we won but couldn't do the third and they had to leave? Its not fair for them to lose their EE bonus because they haven't got the alchemist yet!!
    If this isn't the case please enlighten me otherwise SORT IT OUT!!!
  2. Hmm, it does seem a bit unfair.
  3. unlock highlands and upgrade the castle. That takes work and dedication. Just put in work and dedication. 
  4. Most of the members in my clan left because they couldn't cast veil

    Maybe they should make it a potion in the "Other" tab with speakers and bars, free or with cost.
    Then, clans won't lose members because rl gets in the way.
  5. It takes, at most, a week to LL complete. Run EBs to grow to T3 LL complete and get pots and then be matched up
  6. Encourage them to grow first. Still if they want to war with small stats they wouldn't stand a chance against big players. Buying pots while being so small won't let them grow. So i don't know your clan, but i guess it's better to make them grow first. Later if they have unlocked alchemist they can pause growing and get into war.
  7. It's easy to sort. Grow faster! War! Or get Out!
  8. I get that Shiz but some of these guys have only been playing a couple of weeks. What if they want to do most of the wars but cant do all of them? They have to leave during the wars they cant do and they get penalised. Why not make the evasion spell a pot instead so all can access it?
  9. Also, don't you think with a strong acct like yourself, it would skew the matchup? There doesn't seem to be a gradient warm too to bottom of your clan. You'd just screw the tiny people over. And they're tiny as hell.....less than 500k combined. Lol
  10. They don't have enough gold to pot up, how do you expect them to war? :|
  11. Honestly. They have enough pots to be able to combat someone else who ha the castle upgraded and has mithfrillz spells put up? They have to grow! I can't see your point. A dragon doesn't cause havoc when they're an egg. Best crockpot example that just shot into my head.
  12. I hate when I use bad verb tenses. Makes me seem so foreign  but you get the idea. Hopefully. I'm not being a forum ass but I'm just telling you how I think. And growing those little guys should be your priority.
  13. It takes more than a week to LC, especially of you're new. It only takes. Week for you because you have a main and can transfer gold by volleying and other ways. You can get into a better clan that can let you do items and stuff. New people aren't allowed in to those bigger clans and therefore it takes them much longer to LC.
  14. They're a lot bigger than when i got them lol! They do get to do the items here because i want them to grow quick, they are all at max plunder or at least on their way.
    Some just want to try the war and because some of the others who cant war cant cast the spell they're gonna miss out which isn't fair in my eyes
  15. Transfer gold? You can't anymore because of the drop. And I'm too much of a Jew to do that. So please. Shove it. Also, item drops would be a giveaway to free gold. If a clan leader DOES THEIR JOB instead of having a clan just to have one, then they'd know what to tell they're players to grow. They run Forgotten Ones or Ambush I think it is all the time to et the best payout. So no, dear. I LL complete by myself without a pretty main and converted to spy BY MYSELF. I suggest you don't judge every little acct as an alt because you don't know how I grew.
  16. If they are so exited about war, they can simply search for a clan who will let them war. They won't be that prepared anyway. And if they lose the war, they learn more. If they win the war, they'll be over confident. If you are their guide you should try to tell them they need to grow all first.
  17. You missed my point. If you get matched up to some clan you cannot take on, what will you do? Do they have at least 150 of every single pot? They can't even unlock some yet. What will you do or say to them when they're pinned completely by guys bigger than them?

    So why not grow and be active?

    You find it "unfair" that stronger players who put in the effort to at least LL complete and upgrade their castle get to reap the benefits.

    Oh, please. Use your head and explain to them that they'll be destroyed.
  18. I'm SAYING, that you can't LC in a week if you don't know how to play the game. His clan has brand new people trying to learn to play the game and they can't LC in a week without having lots of gold transferred to them.
  19. How small are they? If they're tiny, there's a chance they won't even get hit.

    Oh, and maybe think about starting up a subclan once your clan gets bigger for smaller players to grow and as a temporary new home for those that can't war.
  20. If they are in a clan that does war often, they can't do much.

    If its those NEW members with less than 100k, they need to be taught and trained.
    If they WANT to war, but don't have the stats, they should be able to cast the veil and sit in the clan to at least learn the basics and the war slang terms.