Last night I awoke in the middle of my slumber but I was unable to move my body, and whilst in this state there was some dark mass to the corner of my room. I was still able to control my breathing and movement in my eyes, but I couldn't speak or produce any noise. The dark mass looked like the shadow of a person, it did nothing but watch me. When I snapped out of it I immediately ran to my phone to google this phenomenon, turns out it's called sleep paralysis. I did more googling and there's no legitimate cure for this "sickness" and that it affects people besides me. So KaW-mutiny are there a way to prevent this? Have you ever witnessed or experienced sleep paralysis? Please reply bellow. Edit: Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far to the current discussion! I'll consider using all the tips and tricks previously mention to prevent this from occurring again.
I would suggest asking your doctor for advice/help rather than the KaW forums. He/she will help more than we can.
I experience it periodically. I never experience the spectre that many people report though. I'm always going through a stressful period when ever it happens to me. I'm always aware of exactly whats going on when it happens, so I just stay calm and concentrate on moving. I dont think its ever lasted more than a minute.
if I recall correctly sleep deprivation and anxiety are factors to sleep paralysis anyway it happens to most people at least once so it shouldn't worry anybody unless you're one of the few that experience it often heh
Try wiggling your toes and fingers. Should help your body to fully awaken yourself. When you're in sleep paralysis I heard your eyes are closed and you imagine everything. So if you sleep with a partner they wouldn't notice anything going on with you.
I experience sleep paralysis Every. Single. Morning. It sucks, but it started happening when I mastered lucid dreaming. Definitely a good tradeoff.
Your eyes are open during sleep paralysis... At least mine are. I can see stuff happening around me but ant motion for anyone to help me/ wake me completely up
Does lucid dreaming have any connection to sleep paralysis? I've read a theory earlier regarding lucidity in dreams becoming the trigger in sleep paralysis
Your body naturally goes into this state as you sleep. Occasionally you realize it's happening, however, it generally has disengaged before you wake up. If you'd like to try experience it intentionally, just close your eyes and lay still. Your body will make you want to itch or scratch certain parts of your body as a way to see if you're asleep, if you can resist the urge to do this, your body will ultimately think you're asleep and paralyze you temporary
I can lucid dream but never had sleep paralysis ...I don't know if ild consider that a good trade off
I can go into the lucid state sometimes but if i try too hard to make it happen my eyes start to hurt then I have trouble getting to sleep at all.
When I was 8 I woke up paralysed from the waist down. Edit: don't know if its anything to do with sleep paralysis was just a crazy thing that happened when I was young.
Have fun with it I always think it's cool. Just know in your head that the dark mass isn't actually a person and try to experience it