Slaves to voodoo

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Melissa-Honeybee (01), May 30, 2012.

  1. So know we all know the truth that iG are now under voodoos control and slaves. Runners are so called leaving the game or taking a break and the council need to ask what Eb they can do :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Tell me me if the where under your control what would you have them do ?

    If it where up to me
    Id make each member within iG make a vote on who should be reset on a monthly basis.
    Maybe have swabia make me a nice apology every day with flowers for a week:D
    Make all iG have on the banners voodoo slave 4 life.

    Troll away but would love to hear your ideas. ;)
  2. Wrong forum
