Skyline {MGTD}

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -Kat, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]
    Over the mountains in the forest of Everevix, the valley of Jorthe rests. Birds could be heard singing, antelope were prancing about the meadows, all the animals in Jorthe lived happily in the presence of Jorathe. He was the gentle frost giant from the mountains of reviali, or so the humans thought. His white pupils and sharpened teeth adjourned with his clawed hands; animals have no qualms with him as they have previously subdued to him. Humans, however, have yet to meet the might of Jorathe.

    • 8 months ago
    The forest, it burned with the crimson fire of the Mages. The sulfur in the air made my nose bleed; the blood of the Frost Giants was spilled. The previously soft grass was soaked with blood and bodies were everywhere. The Archrachnian Mages stormed through my town waving their wands and staffs around, the brewing spells left a terrible odor in the air. We didn't know they were coming, we didn't know that they would bring death with them. Archrachnian's were always kind to us, they brought cotton and silks to my town and in return we gave them elk and fish.

    "Please, please stop! What have we done to you!" It was Màrie, the daughter of Luthern, she was beautiful they said. I couldn't see it, couldn't see what everyone thought of her. Then again Màrie and I have been friends since childhood.

    "The Marav has ordered us to kill off your race, as he deems your kind not worthy of living on his land." One of the Mages in the circle around her had replied, their hoods were up so Jorathe could yet to tell who spoke. They stepped closer to her chanting their spells and waving their hands.

    "No, please, please spare my town! We have always been kind to your kind, always hunting the food that you cannot catch. Màrie was begging for her life on her hands and knees. It was an awful sight to see my friend begging. What could I do, I was just a boy, papa hasn't taught me how to fight yet. No, I would not stand to see her die.

    I ran out of my hiding spot in the forest to the town square, where Màrie and the others were being killed. I wasn't going to stop until I killed the ones hurting her, I wasn't going to stop until they left my friends alone. I kept running, focusing on her while I thought of a plan to get her out. That is until I caught sight of mama's bright red dress that she had been wearing that day. She was kneeling with papa right beside her. The agony on her face burned through me and lit my anger. I hadn't noticed that I stopped in the streets, tears ran down my face. As she looked up, her eyes met mine and mama started to cry.

    "Go, my son! Get out of here!" Mama screamed at me causing the Mages to turn and look. I was dumbstruck, my feet felt as if I stood in quicksand. It had to be the work of the Mages, mama could see that as well. No matter how hard I tried to move, I stood still as the Archrachnians came closer. Papa got to his feet, blood had dripped down his feet and pooled by him knees. He had a chunk of skin missing on his right shoulder, his left hand was missing a few fingers, his ear was cut off, and he was limping. Papa ran around the Mages towards me, once he got to me he bent down.

    "Go, son. Do not come back even through our screams, keep running. Find a place to hide, grow up and when the time is right avenge your parents, avenge your town." Papa cupped my cheek and turned around to face the Mages. I could tell the spell broke as I almost fell to the ground, stepping back I looked at papa.

    "Go. Go now, son." A tear ran down his face as he looked back at the Archrachnians. "You will not get past me, slime."

    I could hear them chuckle in unison as I stumbled backwards, finally turning around I ran off. Only to stop at the forest line, I looked back once and saw my father fall to his knees, a gaping hole was through his stomach. I couldn't take it anymore and I screamed...

    Urgh, ok so I totally forgot about this. This story probably would have been much better if I had remembered to write it. So, yea, don't hate. Or hate. Who cares. I don't frankly care.
  2. Ugh ok, I posted a little early... ok I posted like half an hour early. Sue me.
  3. °sues op

    Good read, well put together
  4. Nice story :|
  5. Fan Fiction is over that way ->
  6. Nice read, I read half of it than skipped to the ending and it was good. Nice one jester 
  7. Still good. I enjoyed
  8. I thought it was going to be about city skylines.
  9. Fan fiction doesn't pop up in Active Topics. Take your trolly-ness and go that way -->
  10. Amazing read, I loved it.
  11. wanna be trollyness
  12. I don't think he's trolling. I thought the same thing. I mean, I understand you want it to be in active topics, but it does belong in FF.
  13. Still a great read..
  14. It can also be in Other KaW, because it's related to KaW. I used a KaW Character. :roll:
  15. its make a good thread day.. duh jaccypoo. im just saying how can his be counted towards winning if it cant be seen on AT?
  16. :D

    It's ok, it sucked anyway. Kept forgetting to write it haha
  17. Thougt thread was about the car.... As you were
  18. Someone told me this is too long. Should I shorten?
  19. Ok.. it's shorter... I guess. Whatever.
  20. Try to make a summary :|