My name is Michael and before I knew it about the greatest roller coster ever the "SKULL CRACKER"it was said to crack you're skull of its awsomeness but that was just a so called "they're swag"but that was a exaggeration which is correct every dude looked like they got kissed by a girl even the guys with girl friends but its because they're hair,eyes and the girls looked like they found
not trolling. this is terrible. take some time to think about what you are going to say. then reread it to yourself OUT LOUD before you post. that should help you quite a bit with your format.
a story that no one can understand is not a great story. grammar matters if you want to write something that people will enjoy reading. take some time. think about where you want the story to go before you write anything. always go back and read what you wrote before you let others see it. try to clean it up beforehand. then LISTEN to what people say about it. stories are meant for the reader. so if you ignore what readers say, what is the point?
i know that. I also know that human beings can learn and grow and improve. i am only trying to show you where you can do that. getting angry over criticism will guarantee that you never get anywhere in life. take the criticism and use it.
oh you are right. i just wanted to make the crybaby cry. go ahead and cry crybaby. cry because you aren't automatically perfect at writing. cry because you don't want to face the truth that it is something you have to work on to get better at. boohoo. maybe you should go try something easy if you don't want to have to work at it? i hear breathing is easy. seems like that would be perfect for you. doesn't take any effort at all. no one will ever try to help you get better at breathing.