Skillmonkeys guide to buying allies

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *skillmonkey22 (01), Jun 7, 2010.

  1. 1. Determine if u r going to spend all ur money on one ally

    2. If u are set standards and if you find a person that meets your standards write down his or her name and keep looking if You find a better one scratch out the first name and add the second

    2 alternative. If u are not going to spend very much on an ally just find one with decent stats tht is about to upgrade

    3 when u find the ally u want buy

    Hope this helped
  2. No it does not help
  3. It works 4 me and if u want to keep allies by a ally buy one thts a little above average bit not gr8 and u will keep it 4 a long time
  4. Strider I wouldn't be talking ur allies suck
  5. Yes c then and u will find out
  6. What kind of 'guide' is this! Coulda' gave that advice inna' sentence: if you want to blow your wad on an ally pick the very best one for the $.

    Really good tips below.. And please hire me for the good deed of layin' down 4ya'all....

    Starting out.. The lowest priced ally is 10k, they stay at 10k for... Oops too late they just been bought... O.k!?

    Think in terms of attack/defense bonus
    and plunder value for your buck.. There are people at 1,000,000 that have the same stats as people at 100,000 and less... So buy 10 allys for@100k rather than an overpriced suggestion based on how much $$ you have on hand... They will be bought from you quicker but if you follow my next tip you can just buy your quality right back from your news feed and not have to stat-search..

    Stat search.... Say you have 500k, go to buy and see who is there... Lotsa 300/300 150/150 people... you want to
    use the search for players function.. I
    would search at 160k and find lotsa those 300/300 people too, but look at price.. Say it levels at 158200, giving lotsa same statted people for that price.. Search and type in 158199 and a whole new set of people with better stats (like 600/600 or higher.. will appear, you may have to hit the next button a few times.. The point is dont let the compiter think for you... You will start to find ' prices' that have these oddly high statted people.. Shop at those prices.. If you Shop there once, buy well then when they are bought from you, buy them back
    until the price dont match the stats...

    Ok buy me up and i will give more trickz of the trade from my ally-pimpin' bag of goodies...