Single Kingdom PvP Battle Royale - special rewards

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Khaymens, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. You would have 2 days to cast in to the Battle Royale. The event would run for 2 weeks - no breaks. Once tournament begins your equipment is locked in place and you can not hit EB's or Quests. The only thing you can hit are other players entered into the tournament and on your current battle list.

    There would have to be a minimum of 50 kingdoms in your range or tier for each tournament.

    Once started You will have a battle list only containing kingdoms within your tier or hit range. You can only attack or be attacked by those on your current battle list. The battle lists would rotate every 4 hours. You can not be hit by anyone not in the tournament.

    If you have 50 losses without 25 wins a building gets knocked down and normal refund hits your account (this is to eliminate any OSF builds from entering or any casual warriors) once entered you can not withdraw till event ends. There is a real risk of losing your build not just allies when entering this event!

    Allies and stripping completely a part of the battle Royale.

    This is something that would reward handsomely for coming out alive at the end of two weeks with equip similar or better to summer war stats. There could be different categories of winners and only say the top 3 of each category in a specific tier would be rewarded equipment.

    Categories to think about;
    Most plunder earned attacking
    Most plunder earned stealing
    Most successful actions
    Least plunder given up (steals plus attacks)

    This would truly be a crazy set up and winners worthy of very very high praise and rewards.

    I am not good at foruming and do not know how to repost or edit, so I've added all I can think of to avoid exploits at this time, but I'm sure much smarter people than me can pick out some loop holes that need closing.

    Just an idea on how us warriors could really lose some sleep
  2. I'd do it but I doubt others would. Need to limit crystals.
  3. Wasn't sure on crystals but ya would need to set a limit for entire 2 week war for sure, thanks con 
  4. Love idea, but losing build and being refunded money? wouldnt that be stripped almost instantly thus making a come back almost impossible?

    But full support for overall idea. Can see alot intrest coming in this.
  5. I think when you walk into the BR your profile is saved, and so when you walk out your profile is returned.
  6. ^ no. There's damages in osw so there's damages in this. Maybe more like one level of a building of your/their choice but I like the idea.

    Spragga would love it :lol:
  7. The chance of having your build knocked down 1 level at a time is to make sure everyone who enters stays active the entire time as you can not leave once tournament has started.

    It's a Battle Royale, not footsies 
  8. Nivans approve this
  9. I like the general idea, but this knocking down of buildings is not practicable, at least not for just 50 losses. Everyone has to sleep, so everyone would lose their build, and even the partial refund money would be taken away by hits/steals. It would either have to be limited to a much shorter time, or they would have to create a 6h or so "pause" spell you could cast once every 24h.
  10. No buildings being destroyed. That is my only problem
  11. Great idea but like Simone said need to sleep. Also most people work 8 or more hours a day and can't kaw at work
  12. Someone* not Simone lol
  13. People would just find when you're asleep and you'd lose 3 or more buildings per night.

    EVERYONE would get a final reward based on their performance and final strength. EVERYONE would be rewarded their 60% (would people prefer 70-80% better?) back from their building loss, but only receive the gold back on their end payout.

    The equipment would have to be part of an amazing set so that it has nothing better than it, because this is about the highest risk possible

    I don't think that there should be a minimum of 50, I think there should be a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 59 per group, so that even on slow days you'll still find a match. I think crystal expenditure should be limited and that you get 20% of their building cost when you defeat someone 50 times without losing 25 times.
  14. They need a event where people that work can participate and one that no xstals allowed to make a even playing field.
  15. I love this idea 0.0

  16. Great idea buddy!
  17. I like some of the suggestions - you guys are right so let's move it to like 200 losses (attack, ass, steals) without a win and with zero gold out would drop 1 level of your highest building. Each successive 50 on top of that would knock same building to level 1 (remember the release of money would buy you some time as well)

    Also the rotating battle list would alleviate 1 person pounding you for longer than 4 hours ' )