Simple Step by Step Get Started Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *JohnWayneGacey (01), May 8, 2010.

  1. 1. Ask to be hired on world chat - This will be your first money
    2. Spend all your money only on land and forges, upgrade your forges to lvl3
    3. Continue asking to be hired and upgrading your kingdom
    4. When no one will hire you anymore it is time to start earning
    5. begin to battle other players, you will soon learn who who can win against
    6. I recommend that you only attack each player a maximum of 5x per day
    7. Spend all your money on allies - Most Important - That is where the $$$ are
    8. When your "Bonus from Allies" ends in two or three zeros begin saving cash
    9. Buy your next land and next building
    10. By this time you will have some experience and understanding

    Hope this helps
  2. Questing > begging
  3. This guide is terrible. It's not good money being hired. You need to quest instead of that.
  4. I thought it was decent
  5. Yes hiring Is the best way to make money but they should be curteous and DONT spam nice guide could have gone into more detail for plunder tho
  6. Why'd you bump a thread from 2010 where the OP isn't even active anymore?
  7. Cause he's an IDIOT.
  8. He's bumped three threads from 2010 so far. I move that the bumper get banned.