Simple solutions need Simple demands

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IDIlGIIUIlEllRllIllLlILlIAllSI, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Simple solutions need Simple demands.

    I've read all threads on mismatched wars and stacked wars with the over abundance of ght/sht builds having a large hit range(scouts) and bs pay outs.My solution to this is something devs can adjust immediately. No hit restrictions making smalls vulnerable to the bigs and making ur success rate solely based on ur size/build vs ur opponents size/build. And make all participants hit payout the same unless they dnt have their gold banked obviously and depending where they are in plunder during the war.For example all lose 35mil a hit but if u have gold unbanked it would be around 50-60 mil a hit and same for placement in plunder. If ur first in plunder u lose the Max allowed if 60mil is the cap,second in plunder 56 mil,third 52 mil all the way dwn to ur lowest that would lose 35-40mil a hit....Now no matter what rosters look like No Hit restrictions eliminate this stacking of bigs and gh/sh making mids relevant again and minimum/Max hit pay outs based on placement in plunder after the minimum hit pay out for all. All strategy and all war consisting of constant attks /ass eliminating the over usage of scouts.
  2. dropping dts/dtw only benefits larger players. if anything they should decrease hit range to say within a 5-8-10mil? Stat range. Idk something along those lines.

    The problem isn't that the gh are actually bothering the larger players in war, it's that the game deems the match fair, and as we all know a roster with a ton of sosh will usually be top loaded with folks no one can hit.
  3. Not saying gh are an issue at all but seems every 1 complains about their range and pay out. In war every 1 should simply be fair game period like real life. How u affect the outcome of war should be based on ur experience. I truly believe No Hit restrictions would even the playing field in war in general.
  4. I agree with ape only because when u hit a ght u get maybe 10mil but when they hit you they get 20 mil i think tht ape has the right idea with having a cap on what you can leak based on where you are ranked on the war roster