Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dylacer, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. Ok so I know this will get no attention from Devs or support from Kawmunity but here goes...
    Once someone participates in war, they receive a spell that lasts 3.5 days (84 hours for mathtards)
    That spell, and that spell alone allows you to hit HTE style ebs for max gold.

    If this is implemented there will be many TVP/Spell clans but at least there will be somthing different to war against other than LB/GH

    That is all
  2. Which part confuses you?
  3. So, you cast a spell that let's you hit the eb, or you receive the spell after a war? Or did i swing and miss completely? Lol.
  4. Participating in war gives you the spell
    Just like rancor and Estocs edge
  5. So a participation medal?

    Basically you lose a war (which means you could lose on purpose) and you get EE.

    L o l
  6. God no. Having epic battles available to everyone he the whole point of their existence. This can't and won't happen.
  7. Wait, and losers get the spell too?

    Escapè from what?!? Warring?
    Those that war should be the only ones that benefit from advanced Epic Battles
    Why the hell are they Epic?
    Because they eliminated OSFs?
    Half the nubs playing now have NEVER hit an osf.
  9. I hate that support
  10. So only people that war can do HTE... Ahhh i see.

    Great idea
  11. Dylacer, shut up.
    Also, how is hitting an osf any better than hitting an epic battle?
    And, don't bash people because they don't like your style of playing or think the exact same way as you.
  12. Hmm....won't happen, nor is it reasonable, in all honesty
  13. Only mildly support IF only the WINNERS get the spell. BUT WAIT!. Isn't the EE buff the EXACT same thing?? ....nvm NO SUPPORT.
  14. 1) I wasn't asking for support, constructive feedback would be nice, but not expecting anything from forum whares.
    Way to contradict your self.

    To much emphasis is put on 'winning' and not enough on 'playing'
    It's a freaking game Get ova yerselves It's a digital button and fake gold.
    10,000 accounts and 320 currently warring
    @ Nivans Thanks for your input Can you expand?
    @Terra Thanks And not nessesarily HTE but upper teir ebs
    @S1 namemanipulator AVM I never said hitting osf was better.
    @ Wake I know it won't happen, dunt mean I can't express my opinion about it. Simple solutions normally do not get followed up on.
    @ Krelek you, my friend, need to buddy up with Charlie Sheen and then you'll see what happens to 'Winners'
  15. You already have a spell that increases plunder 25% by winning a war though....