Simple question

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by combatmeatball, Nov 19, 2016.

  1. How can you drown like can't you just drink the water?
  2. Sharks can drown.
  3. I'm a shark.
  4. Your body likes to breathe. Since you didn't google the answer, I'm not either, and keeping it short for a change.
  5. Oh my god, did cor just reply with only 2 sentences?
  6. Wellllllll.

    Y'see. In your throat hole(esophagus) you have a funny little flap (epiglottus) that let's food and drink go down to the stomach without getting into the lungs. When you breathe the flap opens to let air into the lungs.

    When you're drowning, your body needs the oxygen or it will start shutting down systems, so it forces you to inhale and open that flap. But if only water is available, water gets into your lungs instead of air, and your body shuts down....
  7. I like your name
  8. When you try and drink all the water your tummy gets too full and can't stop itself so you die
  9. Op has a point