whats going guys timster here for more KaW forum posts. anyway, today i have a guide on how to get strong from right once you start to even more onto the millions and billions of gold The first step once you start: ask people for them to volley you. with that money use it to buy some allies(small ones...allies wont really matter at that time) and only use small buildings and guilds. keep doingthat until you can upgrade them. once you fully upgrade the buildings, keep expanding, and buying more allies. once you get lots of stats like around 50,000 atk/ def and 30,000 spy atk/def now save up for bigger allies. after that, well at this time you shouldbe able to do ebs like cover of night, get lots of money from that. keep saving up, and buy bigger and stronger allies (NOTE: this requirement can be very time comsuming) if you are daring and mostly lucky, you should try to go for equipment ebs. some easy-to-get equipment include the spiky helmet and hooves. that will get you more gold. basically continue this process of buying allies. also, potions from the marketplace will help you A LOT. anyway continue that phase, and then...gradually upgrade your buildings to war aviaries, subterrean factories, and summoning circles, which really pack the punch! anyway keep upgrading and doing the same thing for the rest...and well thats about it. any questions post in the comments or just any problems you have...and also check out my other forum posts i would love to have a new fan of Timster posts. anyway guys im Timster, and i will see you guys later, cya...
Good ideas, but there are better guides that are more organized and more defined while also written by players much more experienced than you.
I appreciate you trying to help out the newbs. But there are MUCH BETTER and more detailed guides than this, like Fiddler's. Sadly, she sold her account... I'm not saying that this sucks or anything, it could just be more detailed and more organized. Just a tip for the future.
This is very disorganized...my guid is ask a senior member of your clan to help you then do -->exactly<-- what he says
Try get some paragraphs and titles going pretty easy simply do this [size=200*][color=red*]How to grow fast [/color]. [/size] Without the * How to grow fast
Big red titles ain't the thing exactly xD. More like, BBCodes ONLY where they need to be. They are supposed to emphasize things, as well as add detail and stuff :lol:
Appreciate your effort to help out people but I think that if you try to put in more effort,it would be better.
Honestly, all u have to do is join a clan doing haunting and spam the item phase to grow. THAT Is how you grow fast.
Hmm. This is really worthless, as many threads have been made(in much more detail and noob language) about this topic. But nice try
Lol u could do all tht or ican just get a volley upto 5b and skip ur cover of night tactic Lmbo u said grow strong quick, this is slow
This is just me, but, you'll grow a lot faster avoiding T3's. I like to go from beastiary's - CoE's, skipping T3's Y spend gold on War Aviaries
Simple. Get 10-20mil off of hires. Dump into bribery gems. Clan Events --->TFO. Use items. Profit and repeat.
Shol you get like 100 cs then buy pots for haunt and orgins hit those until you get 12 highlands unlocked (noobs cant take your gold you are too small) then over night grow into a huge account