
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _-_xXx_-_ApoKaLypTiC_-_xXx_-_, Feb 21, 2012.

  1. Hey, so ppl get ??? xtals and still spamming this chat with "I got 6 xtals" "OMG I got 7 xtals", others spam with ads, I send stfu guys, and I get silence. Gj mod, keep it up, you don't ruin that game enough imo.
  2. 1. You bypassed, even though it was minor.

    2. Wrong section.

    3. No one cares.

    4. /lock 
  3. Acronyms that are intent to be a harmful meaning directed towards someone or some people that have a swear in it is a bypass and will resort in a silence.
  4. Aaawwww..... I broke the ToU, but I thought I was special and rules only apply to other people. Now the stupid mods silenced me.

  5. You too Moose?? You noob.
  6. No slayer, I was being sarcastic.
  7. I know, I was too. Getting kind of tricky now arent we? :cool:
  8. Don't blame the mods, blame the devs.... As it is there rules the mods
  9. It's not harmful, it's just sarcastic like said goose. If we can't say anythg true in chat, just delete it.
  10. 4 msg in a row I get 3 xtals me 4 me 5 me 6, seriously if we can't say stfu because it's annoying, create different chats with a "stupid chat", an "ad chat" and a "normal chat". That would be more intelligent.
  11. If it wasnt the same person that it technically isnt spam, just annoying yes. You couldve just said "Shut up" or "Be quiet noobs" even maybe added cap locks to get your point across. But it is the devs rules and the moderators must follow them, regardless. Break the Terms of Use, and get silenced.

    If you would like to appeal this for you think it is unfair because you were annoyed, you may state your case at State you are playing KaW, use proper english, dont swear or sound angry towards them, for itll decrease your chances. Good luck mate.
  12. Ty slayerbob, I will. It was just to stop this ton of same messages.
  13. No problem mate, just make sure to not do it again is all.

    Requesting Lock.
  14. What? I thought stfu was a special crossface hold move done by WWE superstar John Cena? It means stepover front underhand lock or something like that. But you know what it really means. And his patented FU move too. And he's loved by kids worldwide (most requested make a wish superstar too). Not to mention WWE is rated pg. And you dont see them censoring the name. So because a well known acronym is linked with a swear its censorship? What about WTF? Or FML? I can understand if backyardigan fans get upset but treating an acronym with a possible swear is the same as outright swearing is foolish and inconsistent with the rest of modern society's entertainment values. No beef with the mods they just doin their job.
  16. Sex=sensibly exotic xylophones.