Silenced forever

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by RoiLance123456789ooooooooooooo, Aug 23, 2012.

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  1. Kaw admins please post in my banner the violation thingy so when i join a clan they'll now I'm silenced I know I break the rules and I didn't even know the rules and 1 question if I reset do the silenced be gone? Please reply 
  2. Nope. It's stuck with you for life.

    Or until you appeal a removal in a month or two...
  3. The silence will not be gone is you reset
  4. Ha that used to annoy me too with my first account. I'd join a clan and then they'd kick me for not saying hello. :lol:
  5. You broke the ToU. Why should we help you?

    Any way, listen to this guy....
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