Title says it all. 24 hour silences should be automatically forgiven if the user hasn't been silenced for a year.
No, just because they have not made a dumb mistake in a year, does not mean they get out, oh btw. /lock no effort.
dont complain about silences. the silencing policy it quite simple and effective actually. there would be no point of silence if it can be withdrawn in less than an hour. ~Mart
My main got silenced almost two years ago for saying call me at 555-5555 which I shouldn't have to say is fake but I understand it. Mods can't analyze all they see but being clean for two years should erase it. I got silenced recently for accidentally saying buy instead of hire which is kinda silly but having two strikes with a two year gap is a bit silly as well.
Call me at 555-5555 for kaw addiction rehabilitation classes. A discounted rate if you refer a friend.
I have had a perm silence reduce to 24 hours because I haven't had a silence for a long time. I made a simple mistake by pasting a phone number into wc(I thought I had an eb ad) and I got silenced. I made a boo boo, I emailed support and it was reduced. 7 silences and I'm still going strong.
I accidentally posted my dad's cell phone number on a wall instead of our ad. I had support remove it, silence free.
That's easy to say Omega. Like I've said, I've had 7 silences. A portion of the was my rebelliousness with bypasses and various other things. A portion of mine were simple mistakes. Genuine mistakes such as pasting wrong thing into WC. An another portion was rebel mods silencing for no reason. (Confirmed by support, they were not warranted) It is easy as pie to get silenced.
A lot more effort into this post would have been appreciated. Why do you feel people should have silence forgiveness? What are the pros and cons of this particular suggestion? Why do you need silence forgiveness if you don't plan on getting silenced regardless?