Sign-up for "The Fall of Kings"

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -ShadowAssassin-, Jan 12, 2011.

  1. Seeming as everyone is doing these, I thought I might as well too. I'm currently writing another story, but kinda want a break. So I decided to make a story that has a completely different perspective.

    1. Please choose ONE weapon
    2. It must be medieval
    3. Give a bio, something original
    4. Give a name
    5. Age
    6. Appearance
    7. Good, Evil, or Between.
    (ill only pick one magical character so please avoid magic unless its awesome)
    And have fun:)
  2. Prue.
    A solitary creature. She loves nature and spends every waking, and sleeping moment in it. She has no memory of anyone to depend upon but herself. She is very beautiful with long raven black hair and a easy, slender build. She hunts in the forest using a bow and arrows. She believes she must be 17. But really it could be a full year up or down. Her hunting instincts have given her incredible hearing and lightning quick reflexes.

  3. Very intriguing. Any special meaning to prue?
  4. Special meaning?

    How is she played?

    She's innocent. She has yet to see the world. Because of that she is quite gullible and will believe anything if it is in her benefit.
  5. Like does the name itself mean anything?
  6. Ex. Luref- means "wind" in German. It doesn't but just an ex
  7. NopE. Just thought it sounded like a character. I don't do "meanings" it tends to make me want to revolve the character around her name.
  8. It was a suggestion. You can have full literary rights to change anything. I just gave a character I thought could fit in with any story.
  9. Oh, ok. Good character will defiantly add
  10. Sweet. Remember to add to her. Cuz I didn't throw in a real personality type. I'll leave that up to you. Can't wait to see finished product
  11. Dont worry, she'll be awesome.
  12. Janice
    Weapon: Bladed Fans
    Bio: Grew up with out her Father and was the only girl of 5
    Appearance: Black Hair Purple Streaks, Brown eyes,
  13. Pretty good, but bladed fans arent to fun to write about. But overall good character
  14. Bump, need more characters.
  15. Name: Requin (re•kin)
    Age: 19
    Weapon: 2 hand axes
    Appearance: brown hair and eyes, bout 6' tall, missing ring finger on right hand, wears chainmail armor in battle and regular cloths any other time
    Bio: son of city guard, he wanted to follow in his fathers footsteps and trained night and day to join the guard. His second month as a guard, he was attacked by a dirty guard, who chopped off one of his fingers as a warning not to get in his way. That night, Requin left the city and went rouge and became a soldier for hire.
  16. Sweet character man!
  17. Name Jake grant
    wepon 2 short swords
    apperace jet black hair 5.6 strong upper and lower body
    age 13 -16 don't no if there's an age limet
    bio lived in very poor family ran away at age 12 has lived alone ever since
  18. Wears chain mail and gathulets and leather armor on his legs for protection is short but if he gets into a fight he can kill anybody side good will fight for good until his side wins how's my carartor