Sign-up for "Gallian Nightmare"

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by xioxas, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. I decided to join Bastions iWrite Co. In order o write my story I need about 6 people to sign up for my story.

    The theme is medieval era so to post bio you need a weapon, secondary weapon, a possible kingdoms, and a backstory. Also for video game players, if you want to get in detail and choose a class such as knight/archer, that's fine :p
  2. Weapon: broad sword
    second weapon: dual daggers
    backstory: parents were killed when younng looking for revenge.
    Name: bastion

    PS bump
  3. Name: Angel
    Weapon: Fire Sword
    Secondary Weapon: Extendable daggers
    Race: Demon
    Kingdom name: Firewraths
    Backstory: Bork from the Devils cracked skull immortal and magic
    Age: 18
  4. Name: Lucas
    Weapon: Bo staff
    Secondary weapon: Throwing stars
    Backstory: Ran away from home at a young age. He is therefore loyal to friends. Was once a rogue.
    Age: 13

  5. Name: Ariana
    Primary weapon: Twin Scimitars
    Secondary weapon: Anything lying around that could help her
    Special Item: Her friend Fae, a jaguar (if you don't like it, leave this part out)
    Backstory: After told as a child she was a
    girl and therefore couldn't fight she ran away from home to find those who can teach her. She is skilled with almost any weapon, but despite her small stature prefers her bare hands.
  6. Weapon : Sniper
    Secondary Weapon : Explosives
    Story: Deadly assassin hired by Bastion
    Name : Truz
  7. Oh medieval story

    Weapon : Longrange Bow and arrows
    Secondary weapon : Eagle trained to kill
    Story : Deadly assassin hired by bastion
    Name: Sir Truz
  8. Put me in
    name Matt
    weapon broadsword
    secodary hidden blades
    bio unkown
    discriptoin show off and has a unkown hatred for something
  9. Name: Utho
    First Weapon: Bow and Arrows
    Secondary: Throwing Knives
    Backstory: Son of a baron. Will one day own a castle
  10. Name: Khaos I guess...
    Weapon: Daggers
    Secondary: Daggers (lol)
    Background: Born on the streets, always had to fend for himself. Lookup parkour, good at that. (You should try it in RL, it's fun )

    I fully expect a spot in this story since I'm in your clan xD
  11. First weapon: a mace
    back up weapon:throwing spears
    armor:black armor from foot to neck and back of the head
    backround story:a slave captured in a village. At the age of 15 he stole a dager which he used to kill his owner. Then he snuck into the palace and stole the weapons and armor. He trained in the wilderness for 4 yrs. Now he seeks to kill the kingdom which made him a slave
  12. Name: peanut
  13. Oh yea, my guy doesn't wear armour. It restricts his movement 
  14. While in the wilderness one day peanut was in an ice storm he somehow survived. But it had an effect on peanut's body, his eyes glow blue and if he uses all his energy he can freeze things

    Btw he ride a horse
  15. Peanut stole my horse 
  16. U never said u had one

    btw the horse is black

    peanut's personality: mean doesn't like taking chances or prisonors
    appearance:6"2 210lb muscular black longish hair and a confident appearence
  17. Name: Fawn
    Weapon: Helm allowing her to blend with shadows, large sword based on 4 elements, necklace allowing to sense human presence
    Appearance: Cold, blue eyes, very long blonde hair, often in a braid
    Personality: Not one for jokes, easily frustrated and angry
    Age: 17
    Bio: Simple farm girl living with four brothers and no mother. Trained with brothers for any fights that might happen and became a strong warrior
  18. Mas
    Primary:dual swords
    Secondary: twin daggers
    Can control all elements around him