Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LadyAramisa, Oct 26, 2011.

  1. Hey guys I have recently upgraded a few things and wanted to know if you all did to so let's post some pics of our kingdoms :)

    Here's mine

    Post yours now
  2. Cool story bro.
    Useless spam
  3. This is not spam I put 1.0688568819 secs in to making this bro :)
  4. PlzzZ post or I will bumb every 2 mins
  5. Sorry I am on computer right now.
  6. Can u not use dimbegrab to take a screenshot or somethin????
  7. I'm not comfortable with sharing my build sorry.
  8. [​IMG]

    I'm too lazy to post HL, but you get the general idea. Also don't try it. You know what I mean.
  9. Ew! I'm not showing YOU my kingdom! That's disgusting
  10. Also, I can iFile mine to make it a pot instead of a castle, just code it differently.
  11. Is it just me or does the thread title almost sound "suggestive"?
  12. It does, considering the fact that it's capped.
  13. Beatles build is 13 beastiarys lvl 3 and 3 guilds lvl 3 castle lvl 1 NP >:)
  14. Anyone else
  15. Yep, 1min