Show respect to all Military Veterans 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Lord-MCherry, Nov 11, 2012.

  1. 15 years ago today I started my Journey in the US Air Force. I've met a lot of awesome folks and have seen a lot of the world. I am honored to serve with those today and pay my respects to those of the past. Not only to US veterans but to all those veterans that took a vow to protect those that cannot...chivalry still lives
  2.  thank you for all that you do for us
  3. Support. 
  4. Thanks to you and the veterans, im going into the navy after college.
  5. I guess I'll be saluting you one day then new
  6. USAF SF

    Wouldnt be able to do what I do if it weren't for vets!
    Every generation of my family has served and gone to war we could never forget the sacrafices made. Respect to the past, present, and future vets.
  7. Cool man keep up the good work and come home safely
  8. Why is it that people only tend to show soldiers respect on the 11/11? They risk their lives every day so everybody should respect them all year round.
  9. Agreed Chicken