Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by s0meb0dy, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. That allows u to buy/sell GOLD/SILVER/BRONZE BARS AT A PROFIT OR LOSS LIKE FOREX OR THE NORMAL STOCK MARKETS?! WOULD LOVE TO MAKE TONS OF GOLD( 100mil gold per gold bar ) (50mil gold per silver bar ) (30mil gold per bronze bar ) starting price,meaning higher demand = higher price u pay for 1,so if someone banks gold if farmed,the demand increases and hence u can sell yours at a profit... yay!!! Osw,bring back the good old kaw...pvp no ebs
  2. Very abusable buy alts. No support.
  3. No support t[/colo
  4. Meant to say no support because it can be easily abused
  5. I like the idea but need to find a way to make it so can't be exploited by alts
  6. Bump.

    Least your silver bar idea was kinda implemented lol
  7. Honestly I would love this to be added but there will be more problems that it will create to make it worth to implant it.
  8. How do people envisage this being exploited? I think it would be an exciting (if slightly "off topic") addition to the game and not as easy to exploit as people think.