No, KaW isn't planning on charging you to play. But an issue that directly affects us as internet gamers is in the process of being decided and since it's not like the forum is overload with topics that may actually have a big impact on us I thought I'd throw this one out. How much you should pay in the future to get here is under currently under discussion in America and decisions will be made soon that will affect you. The issue is called Net Net neutrality. If you're not paying attention, you should be. It may cost you money and it will determine the future of the internet. "Net neutrality (also network neutrality or Internet neutrality) is the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication." There are two views. One view is that the internet should be like the electric company. You pay them for electricity and what you do with it is up you. The electric company doesn't control what type of refrigerator or stove you get to use. That's pretty much how the internet works now. When you access the internet you get to view websites and watch video at pretty much the same speed everyone else does. Traffic is mostly treated equally by the companies that provide the infrastructure of the internet. The other view is that the internet should work like cable companies. Cable companies get to price their product at whatever they think market will pay and offer whatever mix of channels they want. Some think the internet should work that way too. Internet providers should be able to make deals and give some services and web sites higher speeds than others. They would also be able slow the speed with which you could access services that don't pay them, or block sites completely. Just like you can't watch a channel your cable service doesn't provide. That's actually a simplistic view just to explain the issue. The reality is the internet isn’t neutral now and companies are already benefiting from internet fast lanes. The real issue is that a small number of providers now control consumer access, and that number is getting smaller. The big question is how much are they going to get to charge us for access. Or as John Oliver said: " (people) should not be talking about protecting net neutrality. They shouldn’t even use that phrase. They should call it preventing cable company *****, because that is what it is.” Which side is right? That's up to you to decide. But the discussion is happening now. And the decisions may be made soon. Which way it's decided may depend on how loudly one side makes their case. Now's the time to make your voice heard.
I don't want to pay $40-60 a month for the leading company just because I want to watch YouTube at normal speeds. Screw those pro cable company fuckers.
Not going to read that but you shouldn't have to pay to play for any online game whatsoever. Income should come from cosmetics, donations, etc.
I agree with you but now playstation is having people to pay to use Internet and Xbox always has I hate it lol that's why I'm staying with PS3 for a while
The Internet is the internet. It's there to use and always has been, that's the way it should be. There's a service and you pay for you speed individually already. Leave it at that guys.
The op affected my eyes, not a good idea to read in a dark room that close to my face. But anyway, the second view is ultimately stupid and I hope it never comes to that.
the op doesnt reslly affect many of us, considering anyone that uses the cable company internet (which most do), is already doing this. I spend $30 a month. 60Mbps. That speed got doubled recently. I dont care if they increase it. As for the pay to play online, you do that already. Any online game you play, you pay. Unless you are stealing wifi.
Um. No. :lol: They get money monthly depending on the package you have. They can get extra money off selling their wives, this just sounds like something similar to what microsoft tried to do with their xbox one.
I think you're overlooking the implications. It's not just about how fast you can get on at what price. It's also about where you can go and what speed. Currently it doesn't matter if you watch movies from XYZ or ABC. Your ISP treats them the same. In the future however your ISP could make a deal with XYZ and give their traffic preferential treatment. They could also decide to slow traffic from ABC down, or block you from going to ABC completely. If you wanted to watch movies from ABC you'd have to go another ISP. Keep in mind that XYZ would be paying your ISP to get preferential treatment, so XYZ would likely pass those costs on to you. You'd have to pay more to XYZ. And it wouldn't be just movies. It'd be whatever traffic your ISP decided should pay them more.
I actually read all that but please op edit to a smaller size and different color perhaps? But towards the actual topic I hope this doesn't happen I would say I just won't use the Internet or online games, YouTube, etc... But I enjoy it too much I'd pay bit ill just say I REALLY hope this doesn't happen.
Simply put of the stupid option comes into being. That being option two. I would have to give up using the Internet. Lived long enough without it and not so desperate I would agree to pay silly money for convenience. Option two has no future because the customers will refuse to pay extortionate prices
I can't. The new forum format only allows you to edit or delete posts for about 5 minutes. After that, they're locked.