should we have a REVENGE SPELL

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_-OPTIMAL-_-CHAOS-_-, Aug 26, 2013.

  1. Revenge mode

    Having read the forum and many others like it the problem isn't so much farming its target selection that is the problem.
    First off most people respond with
    Grow a set or its a war game
    Erm ok well thought out answers I'm sure. However and it's a big however.
    Most of the time most farmers are farming kingdoms half their size or smaller.
    Who knows why? maybe they are insecure or even cowardly but the fact is that's what happens

    So get your clan to fight back or friends
    Again half the time a farmers clan is double the size or worse of the "victim" players clan.
    So saying fight back sometimes is as useful a response as saying turn the app off and hope the idiot gets bored and moves on because he is too gutless to fight someone his own size much less a bigger player.

    Add to that an active clan that has the resources to destroy a smaller clan then it's no surprise that some players want farming banned.

    Who cares about small clans. Erm new players normally and until their is a way to add more incentive to joining larger established clans that at the moment can be counter productive to a growing kingdom.

    So they ask for farming to be banned. And I can understand it to an extent.i don't agree with it but I can understand it. Within a week or two of starting this game I had some hero with 7 alts and their clan mates farm me non stop because I had committed the cardinal sin of attacking a player who attacked a clan mate. 11 days later they finally got bored and also realised hopefully I wasn't going to quit because of them. That ( my quitting) was one of their demands. Great way to encourage new players and its still a common sport. Make newbs and noobs quit which only serves to destroy kaws player base and potential revenue to pay for devs to run kaw. Very intelligent thought process. Kill the future of the game you enjoy. Epic 
    Great way to start the game and be introduced to it.
    Their are jerks out there that try to destroy new players to the game.
    I run several small kingdoms specifically just to help out when new players myself and friends meet / come across such players that just want new players to quit.
    Some of these people are actually alts of long established kaw players that get kicks out of forcing people out of their game.

    So for all the waffling what is the point.
    Is their a soloution that won't destroy kaw pvp or osw ?
    Is there a way that we could even out the playing field directly even if temporarily to give victims the means to fight back for themselves and for them to enjoy the pvp aspect of the game rather than be destroyed by larger players and inevitably as so many do quit as a result of both what they perceive as harassment from other players or that they are merely here as canon fodder ?

    This most probably isn't the only solution but merely a first draft proposal Discus rip apart offer counter proposals

    This spell comes in automatically after 20 hits in one day ( players would just alternate farming with alts if it were 20 hits off the same player)
    It is a pvp only spell
    Why? To allow those being farmed by bigger stats to defend themselves and stand a chance.
    What it does.. temporarily equalises stats against the attacking player. Only the players attacking. And only if they are above an as of yet undecided value if the kingdoms are close enough then it would not come into effect.

    Result farmers beware . Your victims can now hit back on an even playing field. Why?? it gets rid of pathetic farmers or at least helps deter those that farm people half their size.

    Note to those thinking this is to stop farming.
    NO that is not the intent. It's the opposite. It just means that you will have to pick on someone your size or they can enjoy pvp just as much as you. Do it right no spell. Do it on a confirmed victim your in for a fight with an equalising spell

    Osw effect. Team work needed as much as ever and allows an even chance against a larger clan allowing a better chance at an even osw result too.
    Pick on a clan half your size they can now fight back. For 24 hours at a time any way. Strip them while they sleep and all normal

    Why revenge not just stick to the other spells on offer. Simple the other player can use the other spells and if they are a bigger farmer then they will not get the revenge option and have to fight a now even build

  2. Support

    I only farm noobs if they decide to spit OSW all over my wall. I'm looking at you, X-D.
  3. But anyway support, maybe people will actually fight back then.
  4. If I have #1 in my clan hit me 20 times I can equalize his stats. Is that for only hitting him or everyone?
  5. Only for hitting him. Or others that had joined in attacking you
    My intention would be that the revenge spell would only be in effect for 24 hours and only against a player that has attacked you that is large enough to trigger the spell.

    Assuming the battle list matches fairly or more closely ( sorry assumption needed in a lot of cases ) then the spell would not activate from a battle list farm.
  6. How will this spell help you if a player is smart enough to attack you in a coordinated fashion with multiple alts?
  7. See description above.
    If its just someone sad enough to use 20 alts not much any one player can do. But for the occasions when 1v1 occurs or close to it, it gives a fighting chance.
  8. Why the **** should I be punished if someone decides to fail attacks on me, and I spend days tracking their activity to strip them? After 20 hits, they'd have stats equal to mine? **** me with a live trout if that isn't the stupidest thing I've read today.
  9. Maybe only a percentage? Say you get 10% more stats? Sounds more balanced.
  10. in last episode of True Blood was idea that each human should have vampire as protection. .... in other words: each noob clan should have strong clan protection ....
  11. I'm tempted to respond to your post superman but you defeated your own argument for me. Ty for that :)
    And what did you think it was. A statement we must have it or a question of should we have it. Read the title
  12. Wow this is so dumb. So if I'm stripping someone they will inherit my towers while they are asleep? Or god forbid someone with 3 mil in towers steals over 20 times. Kiss that strip goodbye. This TERRIBLE idea takes away build advantages in OSW. Stop crying about everything work for your stats like everyone else did.
  13. Support. My clan was forced into merging because of a clan farming us just because there name stranded for what our name was! Yeah I'm looking at you! And so big support on this
  14. What he said
  15. Was intended at sic's post.
  16. Accept don't have it work when your in a war and being farmed by someone in the same war. That would effect the estoc wars and you should have a setting so you can have the revenge spell or not.
  17. Sic if you are stripping them while they sleep they cannot activate the spell. The spell applies only against those who attacked but what I may not of stated clearly is it still ( like other spells ) has to be cast. If they are asleep they have no defence. Botch it while they are awake and they do.
  18. Fair enough but it still takes away from OsW build advantages. Just stop crying about stuff all the time. We've all been farmed and we made it out just fine. If a small player runs his mouth and hits me and I farm back he can still use that spell to equal my stats even if he started the conflict. This is just a terrible idea all around. Sorry.