Should the U.S. gov be overthrown?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Aries, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Considering the gov is now into two fractions, democrats and republicans. Should there be a reform movement or movement for a new gov?

    Yes the gov is protecting us, however they are split into two fractions each with a different agenda. They seem to be making little to no progress on things lately.

    As President Washington stated in a speech after leaving office, he warned all future politics that once we have two parties fulfilling goals for there groups and not the United States the system will be flawed.

    Now that the separation is becoming a big deal, what is the logical step to take. Should we write a letter to the House of Reps calling for a reform of government? Or do we start a protest to remove both parties as they aren't working towards improving America?

    This has no relation to Obama granting citizenship to illegals (that's nearly half my family :lol:)
  2. how about people just stop voting for the two parties; rather than starting a civil war that would kill millions, destroy our infrastructure, and lead to an unknown government?
  3. So you are in favor of a dictatorship, where no one ever disagrees?
  4. I hate fractions.
  5. Vote libertarian for once

  6. That escalated quick, instead politicians who give a **** about there country.
  7. The only problem Obama has is that the Whites in America can't stand to see a black man who is smarter than them running the country, so they vote in all these Evangelical Christian Wackos who believe Jesus will save them from global warming.
  8. How exactly can you determine if a politician gives a **** about their country? Putin seems to give a **** about his country, so Yanks should elect him?
  9. Let's see they only had to shut down the government to get democrats to do anything.

    Another thing that happened recently is the democrats disagreed with something and last secound voted to appeal once they noticed it would hurt there fraction.
  10. The problem is not that politicians in America or even regular Americans don't love their country, the problem is that they love money more than they love their country.

    Who cares our children won't be able to breathe the air soon? Just as long as you don't raise my taxes.
  11. I'm all for the gov taking a little extra of they spend it wisely.
  12. Double post edited
  13. Frog is smoking crack tonight.

    You really don't sound like you know what you are talking about. Race baiting and assumption

    If Obama were a republican what would you say about liberals who didn't like him?
  14.  you act like two "factions" in the US is a new principle. America had always been primarily a two party system. Sure there were at times parties who had a chance of winning, but for the most the US has been a two party system since Adams/Jefferson. Technically before then, although George Washington denies belonging to a political party at the time of his presidency.
  15. Theodore Roosevelt made the Moose party because he was annoyed with both. Point is, there is time for reform now
  16. Only the youth who are inexperienced think a president being attack by the opposing party is something special.

    That's what the racial comments from adults about white people are race baiting. And racist in the comments own respect.

    But hey you can listen to Frog. He seems up to speed on thangs

    Overthrow the government. Im sure some real revolutionaries will be posting here right about now. Lol

    As if you aren't being monitored. Lol

  17. Everybody knows White America is racist. Just few have the nuggets to come out and say it.

    It is laughable to call the Democrats liberal. There is no such thing as a liberal party in the US. The Democrats just look liberal because the Republicans are too wacko conservative. Want to see a liberal/socialist party? Visit a country like Sweden, Canada, or even Japan. American politics is very right vs extreme right wing.
  18. Ignore this comment since I can't delete it and accidentally posted it.
  19. Whatever dude. If this game had a population tat have a crap...

    Keep talking u r making urself look stupid. Please keep talking.
  20. Now we are suppose to bash on the countries he used as examples.

    He may not know it is a common ploy. But it is.

    Sometimes they post from other account pretending to be white American rednecks for effect.