Should I?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ____IIIIImR_AWsOmEIIIIIII____, Dec 2, 2011.

  1. Should I try to get all 25 lands in highland then change to spy or should I change now 21 lands in highland
  2. 25 lands I would say more for a hit
  3. 25 lands then ally trading, save up for all the SOS' and convert in one big go. Thats how i would :)
  4.  That's best way, why do you want to convert?
  5. Tay, you might want to ally trade now. I hear it makes it easier to HLC then to simply save up money.
  6. dont know create an alt try both
  7. Get 25 lands and then ally trade.
  8. 25 lands and ally trad..i wait pretty much what miss always beat me to it lol

    Wall Artist
  9. I'd say the best way is to look for a volley and world chat so you can get the couple trill to achieve what you want! IMO
  10. Sasha078

    Posts: 165
    Joined: Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:56 pm

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