Should I Go Hansel?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Leavefeedbackfornamechange (01), Aug 30, 2011.

  1. I was wondering if I should go Hansel or not, also how long would it take to upgrade once you convert over?
  2. You asked me to post so hello! Everyone raves about the hansel build. So it may be a good idea, especially if you are bored with you're current build
  3. Yes I'm bored with my build. Kthxbai.
  4. I would grow some more attack / def. If I was you.
  5. It's up to you. They both have pros and cons. I would convert to hansel as long as you have a lot of pots?
  6. Cool story bro ©
  7. That's a personal choice, not one to ask forumers for the answers to. Do it if u think it'll be good for u! 
  8. Already did. Kind of regretting it.
  9. I used to be a lcbc attack build. I got super bored with it so i decided to go hansel. You should go hansel. Its fun and keeps things interesting.
  10. You shoulda saved up more $ to convert.
  11. Why cant someone say Cool Story Sis?
  12. @op
    I love hansel. I make a ton if cash, and I am am a threat as most people are open to me farming them. If you've never run a hansel, I suggest you give it a try. It's a lot of fun.
  13. You're regretting your decision to go Handel? That's probably because your allies are poor. I looked at your ally list. Get at least 5 billion in allies and you'll do just Fine
  14. Cool story sis
  15. Moose at her size she only needs a few bil in allies
  16. @jdayz
    I'm a fan of overkill. ;-)