Should I convert?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SE-ZTECH-UBK, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. Hello Forumers I need some help a lot of people tell me I should become a SH so I actually might but here's the thing I need help on what to put up I have never been a SH or gh and should I convert or do you think there is going I be another need and I should wait.I really like to war but I like eb's to its a tough choice so I came to you guys.
  2. You shouldn't convert, think about all the time you put into your build.
  3. Please leave the thread if not I will take force
  4. Stay as you are. It's true sh are good at ee but personally I find those builds to be a kind of a cheat build. Keep building and become a big hansel
  5. Sh are all lvl 1 sos on ll and hl. -EA
  6. Thx I might just grow unless someone can change my mind
  7. With ur bfa and bfe its not worth to drop u build ud have to come up with 1.7t to come back
  8. Do whatever makes KAW fun for you. SH/GH appeal to you then do it. Your banner states you like pvp them go for it. You like battle list then hit it. You've got a good build and if you like it keep it. EE might be revamped and what's good this season may be less desirable down the road. Why are there so few lemmings? Because when one is hit by a car, so are all the others. Don't be a lemming.
  9. Oh no you're going to take force 

    A sh is all l1 sos. All you have to do is scout a real sh if you really didn't know
  10. Op will use force?!! 
  11. Would recommend just getting bigger, then if you want to war, just go ps
  12. Build all SOS lvl 1 on HL LL and blood on HF
  13. I changed my 10m spy alt to an sh ..
    Big mistake lost about 1T in buildings. And for what? Just for ee's.
  14. Op, just sell all buildings. Defender too Noob will likely fill S4 rosters. Just a guess.

    lISICnISSlION-YOUR-ASSlllI, fb ass p&z

  15. Of course you should convert. Don't we a weak girl crying about how there is no war for hansels. Adapt or die.
  16. I dropped 12 mil cs to become SH, but I have a main to grow with so it doesn't worry me.

    Tbh if you can afford seals and Xtals and want to EE drop build for sure.
    If you can't it's expensive but I would still consider it, but if you love PvP the most Don't make your main a SH, do it with an alt and grow your main 
  17. I'm still waiting for the OP to take force.. I don't think you should convert. Just make yourself a large pure spy, and hopefully EE goes well from there. That's my plan after all.
  18. Suggest u create an alt into a GH/SH