should I buy allies?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by B2B_Oyeah132_B2B, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. I'm a attack heavy build, I have one 156bill ally now. Think it's worth spending say 200bill on one or serval allies? Any advice would be appreciated thx
  2. allies are over rated. who needs them anyways?

    IMO, (mind you i dont know best at all) equip is so strong that it makes bfe worth a lot less. if youre getting into the big money allies, do it for ally trading not stats. try to get stuff that will sell, not keepers who you want for war.
  3. Yeah I was thinking of finishing my build then get some high priced allies. Just didn't know if the extra plunder bonus was worth it?
  4. After max plunder, the plunder bonus is irrelevant. Use stats per bil and find high stats low price that will sell (include activity checks)
  5. How do you get to 20m cs and not know this lmao