Should I? 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by DarkAngelOfMusic, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. Hey everyone  I'm new to the forums and I have a question. Now before you ask how this belongs in the Fan Fiction section, bear with me. I've been attempting to write a book lately, and I was wondering if I should post it in this section. Wall me, or reply to this post. Thanks for reading!!! 
  2. Fan fiction is where people post stuff from stories they're working on
  3. @Konstikal, I know that lol
  4. Well, if you want to, go ahead. As long as its not crap.
  5. Same as cheese my advice would be don't take advice from konstrikal.
  6. Post your story. Just dont make it too long a wordy or else my adult ADD kicks in
  7. No longer cheaters is good no one wants to read a story that's like 1 paragraph every couple of days
  8. I'meant chapters
  9. Ok, I'll post one chapter of my story tomorrow lol thanks for all the responses 
  10. Lol no I won't 
  11. I wanted to hear a story... Where is it? *Sips*
  12. 

    The coffee sipping guy has migrated to FF.
  13.  k I got all I need tell me ur story
  14. Please ignore retards with the name konstrikal. Nobody Accually likes them they just like going around pretending that they're liked and then they start crying and go fail troll on ppeople and call them a but head.