shattered sword

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Rap-, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. Unknowns, signed up for war and before you know it your fast asleep. Upon waking up 3 hours later. Your clan wins war, of course no help from me, and your punished for that??? First time that's ever happened. We should have some leeway. This shattered sword prevents you from warring for 3 days..unfair. .
  2. So your clan won the war despite the fact you were inactive?

    Of course you should be punished for that!!
    The won despite being out numbered and having to pick up your slack. That's an accomplishment for them not you.
  3. Isn't that kinda brash? Just like,for example. work thinking it's a coaster day and an emergency comes up,now what?

    These are natural occurrences, some we can't control. I've been in wars of 14 people, had some inactives, it happens. Yes Brash.
  4. How about dont sign up for war if youre going to fall asleep? Or if life is being crazy maybe, just maybe, it wouldnt be a good time to commit to war. It sounds like a crazy idea, but you never know, it just might work!
  5. Ordinate, ,I agree, ,but I was so looking forward to war.
    I am sorry clan.
    It's more embarrassing than anything else, so let's just hand out a punishment. ...I don't know about that?.
  6. Arse holes, lazy cunts and exploiters are far more than the few legitimate inctives.
  7. The punishment enforces you donor want to make this 'mistake' again. If there were no punishment you wouldn't make this forum thread or the extra effort to stay active in war. However, you only needed to make the extra effort, this thread is pointless.
  8. Truly embarrassed by this. However. ...I stand firm on the punishment. ...Way harsh...lose ee level 2.and 3 days no war,that's a bit much!!!!
  9. No it's not, someone in your clan might've lost ee too, purely because you were inactive. Please stop whining and accept you did wrong.
  10. I hear the same excuse every time-->I had to go somewhere. If you knew you had to go somewhere DON't cast.
  11.  Your Right 
  12. Hey, lets just farm him because he got shattered sword ._.
  13. Yes you are punished for being inactive in war after committing, win or lose. You chose to signup at a bad hour. I personally think inactives should have a week punishment, 3 days isnt enough
  14. I can't agree with you op. War is the serious side of Kaw. If you can't commit. Don't cast! Having an inactive in war is an awful thing for the rest of the Warriors. In my opinion, a 3 day ban is lenient. I'd make it longer as a more serious deterrent ️
  15. Omar has a point.

    If you know you're signed up stay away from places you will fall asleep. And most of all, don't have a lame ass ******* excuse.

    I got excused by chronos HQ in season 1 because I had an extremely valid reason for bailing on war. Unless you can top a family member in hospital in critical condition with proof of it, I don't think you should be let off the shattered sword.
  16. What happened to u?
  17. It was 30 minutes before war start, I received a phone call from my father saying my last living grandparent ha been hospitalised after having a severe stroke, and me being who I am, left my house without saying a word to anyone heading directly to the hospital, I returned to kaw the next day with an inbox full of PMs and a lot of explaining to do.

    In all I had photographs of both the hospital, the parking ticket I got, and the final nail in it, my grandfathers funeral book :(
  18. Aw, please, don't cast in your tired or hectic day. Please, dont cast if it was your sleeping timezone. Please, don't cast if you know you could fall asleep anytime or have lazy eyes and lack of dedication. And please, don't complain about it. If you were a student and didn't do homework because you fall asleep, teacher will punish you. The same goes on here. :| :| :| You got shattered sword.
  19. Nailed it.
  20. U shouldn't b rewarded for ur inactivity