My story is simple! I'm in regen, checking out WC. I see a post by MickeyKNocks to volley an alt and that he would keep. He asks how much I have, I tell him and the volleying begins. Just short of the agreed amount, he stops volleying n I'm stuck with a dud. You can see on his wall that he boasts that he is always DTW. I wonder if he doesn't have a bot to help him out :?: (just a question). Let me read your story. I'm sure there are many stories similar, if not worse.
Here's my Mickey experience: Plenty of wars fought side by side, thousands of bars run together... Oh and he's not the only one who plays that WC game Op don't cry k?
Omg another of my Alts. And this alt got stripped? God I gotta get off the drugs cuz I didn't know that was my alt nor that he got stripped
Alts. Bots. Shootin flaming bolts if electricity out of my ass at will. Its a bird no its a plane no **** u. Cmon get real guys I'm only a human. That's better at video games than 111% of y'all. Post here if u tried kicking my ass and had to resort to pesky scout bombs herealso post here if u reported me for botting only to get laughed at by the devs. U arent the first butthurt noobtart to make wild "he's xj3susxchristx superROCKstar from mars who drinks tigersblood and bots on KaW" accusation trust me
Maybe u should spend all ur nobs on speakers and tell wc to cone read thread if they been schemed or have beef with me. I'd love to see y'all all together in one happy family. Plus links to u all in one place. Priceless
Am I a noob? check Am I upset? check Am I helping other noobs from your verbal diarreah? I hope I can put a check here!
Once he called me a noob forumer Oh and once he walled me asking to volley lmao I didnt need to read these whiny threads to see through him we have common friends Plz keep the comments on coming on this thread WINNING