shard event

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by KFuzion, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. There needs to be a free spell to protect anyone who doesn't want to participate in this event!
  2. You might not of realized yet but you are playing "Kingdoms At WAR"
  3. :| People in this game make me cri :lol:
  4. Support.....oh wait, that's when you like it, my bad

    No support :lol:
  5. Or you could just roll with it and try have some fun? It's only 2 weeks lol
  6. Heir*
  7. Op found dtw
  8. No no no
    Ruins the point of the whole game and event
    It only lasts until December 5th anyway
    You can get back to your ebs then
    For now, farm people, it's more fun then you think

  9. Dont worry after this event there will not be a APP left another ATA screw up enforced PvP for the 2% who do PvP.This should have been a opt in event the same as all other promo's.
  10. i thought OP would be a statless alt

    Then i tried to steal

    now i am sad.
  11. From what I've seen this is the best received event yet.
  12. The more you cry, the more you'll get hit.
  13. As always said,

  14. To those saying it should be opt in, it is. You have to hit other people to participate. EB fairies don't hit other people, they just hit EBs. So how is this affecting EB fairies from hitting an EB?

    To you EB fairies, hit your EBs! Just bank your gold.
  15. The pvp sucks yet they force us to pvp that makes sense
  16. Pvp is dumb win less money and no rewards if they wanted pvp should make it so you have chance to win crystals and nobs from it or maybe equipment. As of now it's just a way to steal gold a make people mad lol guess it's good for farmers that's about it.
  17. Nice build..



  18. Still bigger then you though