Shame on u Devs. Respects to our warriors and ZAFT Destiny

Discussion in 'Wars' started by KaW_ChengGuan, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. Seriously Bad Match up. Still dont understand how we were matched against them, (rank 169 Mercs Landing vs rank 5 ZAFT destiny) although devs said the rank isn't updated (com'on our strongest ranks their 30s).

    The difference in # of members doesnt make up the differences in strength between LB players and us.

    BUT It was really well-fought and I had tons of fun, despite that it turned out to be a kinda turtle war later half. (love the KOs just hate the results :D )

    Thanks to u all ZAFT destiny. u guys are goddamn strong (especially u immortal CanadianGal lol. u are the only one that wasnt KO'd ). anyway its my first experience fighting against LB players and a mod, and I enjoyed it very much ;)

    And I love u my clanmates in Mercs Landing and am proud of u all, u are true warriors that kept fighting to the end.

    Again, I guess its also a lesson for the devs
    Any one interested can look up the war details under our history clans and I'm sure u'll be surprised :)

    Its my first post in the forum, hopefully it wont look bad to u. :p
  2. That's not as bad as I thought it would be. The first round had much worse results than that. You obviously fought well despite the obvious difference in strength. Nice work.
  3. ZAFT, a true powerhouse  respect to old friends at mercs landing. Glad laelyr got the chance to fight us
  4. Last time I checked...canadiangirl wasn't in ZAFT
  5. Gal*

    And I stand corrected
  6. Really not sure why your crying. You had a 30 person advantage which is more then enough to overcome their size. You really weren't even beaten that badly. Own up that you lost because you didn't have the experience; don't blame it on the devs. But also take pride that you held your ground against one of the toughest clans out there.
  7. Can't complain kick ass regardless or die trying. Or just STFU
  8. Or just S T F U
  9. Crying like a baby don't help ya in a forum or WC
  10. I personally thought the war was great even though it was sided towards zaft destiny KOing redstar and cells while bounding with u guys was great
  11. @ rol4nd I'd like to see you take on zaft destiny and win
  12. @little noob not so cool dude

    Well I'd like to see that also lol. I think you missed the point of my post. Did I ever say you should have won or berate you for losing? Nope. Simply that the whining about the matchup takes away from your experience. Instead of seeing warriors who held their own against a tough clan all people will see are players who cry when it doesn't go their way.
  13. I agree with this... Our rank is in the 200s and we battled apocalypse this time, and a clan way below us last time.
  14. There were about 20 clans who took part in round 2? Aren't the bad matchups due to a lack of clans taking part?
  15. Yep Zero that's what they've said. It's hard to completely evenly matchup up 20 clans from rank 1-500. I'm sure they are working on it. But no matter how much work they put into it... There's never gonna be a "perfectly fair" matchup
  16. My first go around was against THS. The uneven match up didn't spoil it at all. We had a blast.
  17. You guys fought well, good job holding up! Now to clear up two things...

    1- I'm a proud member of FAITH (Though I was ZAFT for a long time and still love and respect them!)

    2- You can say we were top heavy, because we were... BUT... If you counted the combined stats of everyone involved you would find that you had 10m more in cs than we did, in addition to the additional players  Yes, someone counted 

    Just saying... Make of it what you will, just thought I would clear up the facts 

    Either way, you guys held your own! Good job!
  18. 5 vs 169 is nothing. Mine was 11 vs 298
  19. Great War ZAFT much respect only wish I could have been awake I'm very proud of my members.