Shadowbeas11 = Complete Fail

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Luciak, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. So this entire 1v1 started out with me talking to Shadowbeas11 (we shall refer to him as noob or nooby later) about my friend (Divine Regiment) and his osw. I wanted to try to make peace terms on my friends behalf. Didn't work. So I made nooby my perm farm target.

    So noob later tells me to clear my wall and I ask what will happen if I don't. He said "enjoy" and gave visited my news. Funny thing is he failed and I only used 1 pot.

    An hour later he tries again and fails 9 more times. And now that zaft is involved he's trying to 1v zaft, divine regiment, black out, divineregiment, me and who knows how many others. This is going to be interesting.

    Feel free to troll and do whatever. Just thought id give info when he apologizes on forums for CF
  2. Oh geez, another noob who thinks they can do whatever
  3. What's funny is he's hitting me from pin and I'm just racking up successful defenses for the achievements
  4. Been hitting him for few months now
  5. I wanted something like that lol. Easy defender achievements lol
  6. Good job midnight. Any fails yet? None here
  7. Lets just say he doesn't know who's been hitting him these last few months
  8. Lol nice midnight. I love how he's trying to best Zaft. Like really dude?
  9. Haha I love how many people he has pissed off, rather hilarious
  10. It is. Zaft, Black out, Divine regiment and countless others
  11. 
  12. He tried to farm us at silver the other day. Was funny
  13. Well he's a perm farm target so have at him y'all. Lets get us some noob meat
  14. For awhile now I've noticed he's been DTW and naked lol
  15. He is a fail. You're right.
  16. If shadow win this fight,I'm officially going to retire.
  17. I agree with above post.
  18. You don't like me luc??
  19. Why wouldn't I like u sighmin?
  20. Lmao did the same here. Was like a fly hitting a window. He thought he was amazing, failed a few actions and we didn't even know he was there