Sh: The Conversion

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Rulerz-KRAYZEE_K1NG-Rulerz, May 18, 2014.

  1. Hey Kawers,
    The time has come for us sh to be ended, and like all good (debatable) things, we must come to an end. One question that has aroused many times is what build do I convert to? Many going ps, many staying sh until full plunder nerf and building up a bank for when that does occur. This got me thinking. What is truly the best build for ee that sh like myself should look to if wanting to convert? That is my question? What build should I become? Stay an sh and build bfa to liquidate later? Or convert to ps and see what happens?
  2. Sorry for double post.
  3. With KaW as it is now King, kinda hard to tell what the next "popular" EE build will be. I would stay a SH as long as it still exists, build bfa, then convert when the time comes ️
  4. I'd wait until actual release, then I'd most likely just go hansel and war ps. Most similar build type. Or, go attack and become a mid if it turns out mids have a use. I'd just wait for now.
  5. Im building hansel. Fun In osw, easy drop to ps for ee. If you are good at war u can use any build. Just need what fits u.
  6. Become a ps! Ps are fun to strip in wars to win
  7. you don't have the gold to strip ps. Sooo zip it troll...

    Any build that can't make plunder in EE is undesirable. Therefore hansels and ps will probably never be desirable. But then again, sh makes 25-31m on eachother, sh are dependable on there being sh on the other side, but if yoy go into EE with 8 sh casted because of the roster with those builds you casted you will always get a match with sh (unless high bfa/bfe sh like we have been seeing lately at the begining of chaos wars.)
    So hansels could be useful and desirable as long as there are hansels on both sides. But with the cs of a hansel being matchable to that of an all attack build with towers clan warring it would be to risky to cast hansels.

    I hope you follow what im saying? Not very clear maybe.
  8. Congrats on the conversion. I did it April 1 hopefully many more will follow.