Discussion in 'Wars' started by BoredSavan, Apr 13, 2014.

  1. While reading the thread for the devs chaos war schedule next, it came to me that maybe they need a reminder of what wars used to look like. So this is a voluntary idea the community could embrace.
    Monday thru Saturday, stack away n do what u gotta do wc's. I'm aware this is a Darwinist game. However, each Sunday, for the benefit of everyone who isn't sh or lb, bench em. 20% sh Max in roster's. Send the rest to help your sub clan unlock nq. Have em hit bl, **** have em hit each other, just let the mids war.
    Before u sh object, consider this may ease some anger n keep the gathering 'farm sh' storm from getting worse.
    If mith weren't solely available from ee war, I would not propose this. But in fairness to 85% of kaw, let's limit sh on Sundays to 20% percent of your roster. It's only one day of the week.
  2. Are u sh butt hurt? Ik just curious. No offense to be taken
  3. Are you butthurt that some people don't like your sh build?
  4. I'll run a bar on u with my sh very soon. Idiot
  5. Was asking a question and u get mad :p
  6. Trust me, savan is a sh best friend. He uses them every war, so no he isn't butt hurt by the them, just trying to get the rest of kaw involved. Maybe if people focused more on the idea instead of the people posting them, things could actually get done around here.
  7. That's a answer I've been waiting for ^
  8. As someone who has a SH alt I agree with this idea. Support
  9. I am seeing a lot of butt hurt here and i know why.. SH are lame
  10. So lordsavan also has a SH alt. interesting
  11. I support and I'm sh on here and alt
  12. I still war every time I get xtals. Of course my opponents are always LB/big/SH rosters, but doing this would actually give us mids chance to win.
  13. Btw. There's no point trying to protect your soldiers with 3.5-4m ADT (whatever you have) when I (Or any decent SSH) can jump over your 1.5m SDT and eat your troops with assassin.
  14. Haha better not have been talking about running a bar on me I got 4 alts and xtals at the ready
  15. Sh suck - that is all ! its a easy exploit way to war๎
  16. Smokintough I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with savan.
  17. Support fully ๎’
  18. Eh we have no hit policy on each other's alliances after the last big war so I doubt he was talking to me
  19. What wars used to look like???

    Do you mean those boring turtle wars!!??

    At least EE wars are inclusive. New players and poor players can war as SH.
  20. Support to an interesting idea. I'd love to see the community implement it. To the guy with 4 alts and xtals, I'm pretty sure Sav wasn't talking bout you, and I'm positive your four alts and xtals makes him laugh more than shiver.