sh converting to tank

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by mastercy, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Right now I'm an SH. I want to become a tank. Can you plz tell me good setups for a tank. Meaning what should I have on LL, HL, and HF.
  2. All towers.
  3. Wow$ that's a very ambitious conversion!
  4. @moose it certainly is but I've has enough going from one build to another. First it was GH then SH now PS. I'm sick of it. Tanks will never become obsolete. So do I have any ideas for me.
  5. Keep your spy buildings on LL. HF is best for your attacks and HL for your towers.
  6. Do you* have. :p
    Sorry, but your terrible grammar was bugging me.

    Either way, you probably want lots of attack buildings and spy buildings, and around 2mil Static Attack Defense, and 3mil Static Spy Defense. I believe that's the optimal norm amount.
  7. 2mil adt is low. Pump it up to over 3 mil Nd ppl won't hit on you much in EE.
  8. If you keep the 4:1 ratio but all spy buildings on LL you'll look like a tank but actually be a hybrid.
  9. So can you give us an example of what the stats would look like?

  10. Here is a simple way to put it.

    40 attack buildings on HF and LL
    10 spies on LL
    Everything else is a tower.
  11. Mastercy- you'll need a *few* tril to do that. :lol:
    Good luck. I recommend you gather up money while only warring in indi wars, and hope the devs bring back clan wars.
  12. Going to take you awhile. The moment I heard s4 was going to be indi and primal style wars I began conversion to PS. Two weeks or less I should be 7 or 8 mcs with b2b hte
  13. I just went to pure spy
  14. So intel or strength ?
  15. @frog. Whole HL is towers?
  16. Such ********. Mith payouts are rubbish since S1 and not worth it for ps's. EE5+HtE is now my only hope for tank conversion. LuL?
  17. @slim. It takes a lot of sheer determination. That is all
  18. I did that conversion a few weeks ago. I love it. Feel free to scout me to see my stats
  19. 24 coe ll
    1 volary hl
    4 sdt hl
    10 mid attack hl
    5 attack hl
    5 adt hl
    1 spy hf
    3 sdt hf
    10 mid attack hf
    7 attack hf
    4 adt hf
  20. @mastery

    That depends on your clan requirements and how many lands you got. I'm looking to build 4 Mil adt and 4mil sdt. That's a lot of towers. It might take up the whole HL.