Well, as an sh you don't really put your $ into upgrading, but rather BFA. So most sh build heavy attack, and defense BFA in order to attack mid sized builds, but i myself prefer to build heavy spy BFA because i want to stay up longer during war to get as many KOs as possible, which it helps me do in 2 ways. The first is that SH fail 4/5 assass on me and that helps me stay up and keep troops and spies for certain situations, but unless im quick to using those troops (which i am) it provides an opportunity for them to plunder more off me. The 2nd is that people don't like assassinating someone who is harder to hit, because it makes them lose spies (thus pinning themselves faster, and it draws my attention to them) also i can get ko shots faster as i no longer need to use spy attck pots on sh to get through. Another reason is because i want to be able to assassinate/scout mids easily, i can already attack them successfully due to BFE and some BFA. Most people would call me a fool, but i think my spy bfa helps a lot during war, if every sh builds to be able to attack mids then who will watch the sh during war??... Also when people do get through my spies it takes more of their spies, especially mids. Some people say i won't be able to attack other sh eventually because of their BFA..but i still can, sh don't use adp, and and sh requires at least 150M defense BFA and 50-100M BFE defense to hold off another sh attack, how do i know this? Because Vandaddy is my father in real life, and ive done a lot of testing on that sucker. Anyways ide like to hear the thoughts and opinions of others, lets discuss this. Attack BFA or Spy BFA? Or do you go balanced? And why? -LWPiNDAHiZZY
Sorry if its bad english/grammar...but you all will get the idea. Please keep it on topic, i realize some of you are butthurt over sh being in wars and it not being fair, but i been on kaw (not this accnt) for 4 years and 4 months, people have and always will always find ways to "cheat" the system as some of you call it. So some of you may cry about that right now. But that is not what i am here to discuss/debate. I ask that the forum moderators respect this and use their powers as a tool for keeping this on topic and clean. Thanks.
So many butt hurt ppl are jelly... u can't just expect to war without building a good war build..so quit being lazy and work on a war build if u want war
I respect the question from OP. Imo, u have a great disputable, either way. Ur spy bfa wont help you plunder/defend against the bigger assailants, but... The way these Chaos Wars are fought, bigs assassinate smalls, so its only logical you might set the standard for s4. Then again...20 vs 20, all bfa is good. (Unless its all SH still).
The butthurt is off the charts on this one! Dont hate the SH, hate the game. And the sooner you realize your build matters not, eventually I will likely burn down your castle, either in EE or just in passing, the better off we all be. *I prefer the bfa that gets my opposition raging in forums with hate and fuuuuurious anger. R.I.P. lil_mony . These "exploiters" and so called trackers dont have a clue.
This thread Needs vandaddy in it with the 'I am your father' gif Anyway back on topic, sh get lots of hate, but lots of wc's that use sh ARENT sh! Maybe if the wcs didn't use sh then sh would all war together and fight other sh? There's s thought
I agree with frog and val to many noobs making up such a easy cheap build and getting the best eq whilst decent mids and othe builds carnt war how about devs sort the hit range out befor people start begging to keep a new atupid eb