sexy Ash

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -TazzManiaDeviIz-, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. Hi kawcommunity
    just before we start just few things u guys need to know

    do not comment on it only apoc members or friends

    so let's start

    so this thread is all about the one special Lady Called Ash
    & yes she's still living
    so half of Apoc males is trying to date her which is like not gonna happen xD but damn she is sexy we keep saying that she's sexy but she doesn't admit it u know whats more crazy cos yesterday apoc girls had a lesbians party which made ash the main guest & guess what they didn't invaite us
    I mean wth
    why we can't see ash wearing bikini I mean she will be like water I will be a fish
    she will be fire I will be the gas
    & she will be the sun I will be lava or whatever is there xD
    ash u are sexy
    but its hard to convince ash to believe us so if u are kind enough plz post on her wall (you are sexy )

    she says I don't have any theeth to bite

    we said we will feed with our mouth xD

    she says she piss in bed while sleeping

    we said we will be glad to see u naked all day xD

    & before I finish this thread
    big thanks to leo for being
    supergay & letting me to make this thread & a big hug to hot ash or maybe a kiss not sure xD
    To ash u are sexy no matter what u say we will always try to date u lol

    peace & out


    I'm nice right !? xD
  2. Oh hell naw...

    No support for Ash!!
  3. Umm. 

    I've had the pleasure of talking to hear. She using the  Tongue emoji a lot. I think that might say a lot. 
  4. Yeah this was a waste of space
  5. What the heck did I just read ?
  6. Challenge complete give me my achievement ash lol
  7. Ash you're lucky that I don't know how to post pics on forums and it would be against tou to post your drunk pics.
  8.  love this! good laugh Tazz 
  9. Lol sep 
  10. Glad u like it 
  11. :| I get no thread

    JK. Do that **** and get farmed :lol:

    But seriously.... um what exactly is the point of this thread. Seems to be cluttering AT with a topic concerning middle aged men not getting some ONLINE. Also, seems like you wrote this whilst drunk.

    :| What has become of our forums..

    LadyAsh RP anyone?
  12. Eclipso, that a threat or promise? Because I will do that **** up for you to be on me. 
  13. Sure seemed like a cry for a thread to me.
  14. Lets not. Seriously.

    Not even kidding AJ
  15. Lol, I'm not old enough to drink. So, you're safe.

    I'm not, lol
  16. Take a joke and stop trolling 