
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Dec 4, 2015.

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  1. Okay. This is a big issue. Expecting plenty of trolls.
    Your sexuality is not something you choose. It is part of you.
    One may say that homosexuality or bisexuality is wrong. Why? Does your scripture say so?

    Is it just something that irks you?

    I would like a mature discussion on this admittedly controversial topic.

    Mods let this go on for a bit please. Would like to see some real discussion.
  2. "Real discussion" :lol:
  3. Yeah :). A bit much for the kawmunity to handle most of the time.
  4. Op is sexually attracted to sea urchins.
  5. Only on tuesdays.
  6. Here is my opinion on this kind of stuff. I don't agree with people discriminating towards this kind of stuff. Yeah they have their own opinion. But most of the time whatever comes out of their mouth is pure ignorance, and as human beings we're better than that You're not born straight or born straight. People go through things in their life that could affect how they develop feelings. Or they just know what they like. And for me it's sad to see people bullied or discriminated because of how they want to live their life.
  7. It's not a choice. I AM a Christian, but it irks me when people are offended by homosexuality, bisexuality, etc...
  8. It's true that you can't choose your sexuality, but that doesn't mean that sexuality can't be homo/bi
  9. Please elaborate as I'm confused
  10. Homophobes irk me.
    Scriptures stifle free thinking.

    Otherwise its a private matter not to opine.
  11. My opinion (as a bisexual) is that everyone has a right to openly show and take pride in their sexuality without fear of discrimination. (This does not apply to pedophiles)
    However the pride parades and law suits are ridiculous. There shouldn't be so much 'attention seeking' through media. Ashers Bakery in Northern Ireland for example.

    Mutual respect should happen;
    Sadly it won't.
    Not for a long time anyway.
  12. Ooh, the forum changes on mobile seem cool. I haven't been here in forever lol.

    Anyway, I personally have no issues with other people's sexuality. Whatever they are attracted to is what they're attracted to.

    For some, it can definitely be that they just are irked by it. My friend said that she wouldn't date a bisexual guy. She's completely fine with people who aren't straight, but she wouldn't have a romantic relationship with them. If that's how she feels, then that's how she feels.

    In general, I think anything is fine as long as it doesn't infringe on other people's rights.
  13. You've already made up your mind, OP. What is there to discuss?
  14. LGBT parades are farcical in my opinion. They claim to represent the majority of non heterosexual sexualities. They don't. They are admirable however in their attempts for equality however alienate heterosexual people.
  15. I gave my opinion. I want more people than me to discuss. I want to hear what the users of kaw think. Quite simple to grasp really.
  16. Isn't the purpose of the Parades to celebrate and represent the LGBT how does heterosexuality come into this?
  17. It represents the divide in sexualities. Alienating some heterosexuals. Mutual respect eould be great. Not to many straight pride parades. If there were they would be labelled homophobic.
  18. We have had this discussion more times than I can count. Let me tell you what's going to happen. There will be a few opinions about religion and nature. From there, it will descend into personal insults, then someone will quietly cry to support about being offended by this thread's contents. Then it will be locked or sent to the graveyard.

    Each step is exactly the same, just the time between phases varies a bit each time this thread is made.
  19. Fair enough. If you believe that this thread is pointless and doomed to trollage then dont post on it please. I would enjoy having actual opinions contributed on the subject matter.
  20. The fact that they demand equality, but don't invite heterosexuals to their parades and instead push us away. Also, I heard the LGBT community wants to drop the T... Lol. And as far as my opinion on LGB, I like it because we need babies to stop being born and since it's impossible for those couples to reproduce it also pushes up the demand for adoption which has been low. I also don't mind them unless they're the kind that believe we don't understand them because we're straight. Also, sexuality is chosen. I can confirm from personal experience.
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