Serpent's Sentimental Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Serpent11111 (01), Sep 11, 2011.

  1. Since FF doesn't state that I can't use it for such things (my thoughts come out as poems, paragraphs and short stories at times), I'll use this thread to post thoughts that I have once in a while.

    Others are welcome to post their thoughts as well, but not feedback. More like, quotes and SHORT stories they came up with. Just remember to keep it within the terms of use.

    By the way, no intention of copying any threads. Like everyone else, there comes a time when we desire out own space.




    It takes a loss to understand that you've been taking something for granted. It's takes something; or someone, close to your heart to know how weak you really are. Don't rob yourself of your sight. Look around, and behind if you have to. And if you're willing, look up. Sure, everyone says life isn't fair, but since when did that matter? We never have to, or should; be someone we're not.
    - Shedded Skin

    "A single death a tragedy. A million deaths is just statistics."
    - Joseph Stalin

    "Violence begets violence; hate begets hate; and toughness begets a greater toughness. It is all a descending spiral, and the end is destruction — for everybody. Along the way of life, someone must have enough sense and morality to cut off the chain of hate."
    - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    Revelation #001

    "You can hear, but you might not listen.
    You can listen, but you might not understand.
    You can understand, but you might not remember.
    You can remember, but you might not believe.
    If the entire world was known to man,
    Comes joy or depression?"

    - Serpent


    “For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.”
    - Stuart Chase

    “Faith is not belief. Belief is passive. Faith is active.”
    - Edith Hamilton

    “I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong.”
    - Bertrand Russell


    “Any belief worth having must survive doubt”
    - Unknown
    So you suck, Bertrand.

    “Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck.”
    - George Carlin [Lulz]

    Existence & Chaos

    "Let's say James, an 8 year old, was at home and he was hungry for a snack. His mother told him not to eat any cookies before she went for work, because he has a cough. But James decided to just let himself indulge in it anyway; what's the harm one cookie would do, and keep it to himself. He doesn't tell his mother. 20 years later, and till his death, he never told anyone about it. Even he forgets entirely about it. Did it ever happen?"
    - Serpent

    Logic; humans aren't perfect. Hence, nothing they produce will ever be of a true perfect quality, other than from a subjective point of view.

    So there are two paths; reasons and irrational emotions. Stick to either firmly and the inherent imperfect nature will inevitably arise and exist. Find the right balance of both, and you won't be limited to the imperfect aspect.

    One of human's greatest strengths and weaknesses is their ability to adapt. Therefore, change exists and draws out the right potential. A stale environment in the long run may do more harm than safety. So chaos is as important as balance.

    If you devote yourself to logic, you might as well be a robot, but you aren't because you and everyone else makes mistakes. Furthermore, logic and basic studies demands that only the fittest survive in an environment. That is, if it's allowed to flourish without any unpredictable factors. Emotion is one of those factors. Acts of mercy have changed a great deal of what could have happened in the world. Some good, some bad. But they're irrational aren't they? So there is no perfect environment, and hence, the power logic holds wavers in the presence of what is illogical.

    If you devote yourself to emotions, you lose your sight, and though it's good that you don't see the world as others do; when you walk straight into a pit, you won't know either. Chances are, you lost that "sight" for so long that you'll have a lot of difficulty climbing out of the pit, because you aren't used to "seeing".

    - Serpent

    “A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.”
    - Unknown

    Steven Write (Contributed by Merlynd)

    “Stealing an idea from one us plagiarizing, stealing ideas from many is research.”

    “Steal money from a pessimist, they don't expect it back.”

    “I almost had a psychic girlfriend, but she left before we met.”

    “86.82% of all statistics are made up on the spot.”

    “How do you know when you're out of invisible ink?”

    “All who believe in telekinesis, raise my hand.”

    It is impossible to imagine the universe run by a wise, just and omnipotent God, but it is quite easy to imagine it run by a board of gods.
    - H. L. Mencken

    I can be friendly when I desire to. Alas, desiring to be more intelligent does not make it so.
    Morrigan's retort to Alistair in Dragon Age: Origins



    Serpent's Resolutions & Reactions & Some Miscellanea Content
  2. Personal Pokemon Nicknames List
    The following is a list of the nicknames I give to my Pokemon. I'm currently playing Pokemon Black.
    Player Name - Serpent ♂
    • Deino ♀ Lv.32 - Serpentis
    • Bulbasaur (Now Venusaur) ♂ Lv.35 - Creepysaur
    • Purrloin (Now Liepard)♂ Lv.33 - Foxtrot
    • Snivy (Now Servine) ♀ Lv.35 - Serpent Jr
    • Unfezant ♂ Lv.33 - Pigeon
    • Cottonee ♀ Lv.26 - Fluffeh

    • Patrat ♂ - RatOnCrack
    • Lillipup ♀ - Griffin
    • Panpour ♂ - Happy Boi
    • Sewaddle ♀ - Cuterpilla
    • Palpitoad ♀ - Katamari?
    • Timburr ♂ - Jockey

    Sleep powder + Poison Powder + Leech Seed + Maniacally laughing while your NPC opponent can't do anything = WIN
  3. Friends are like potatoes.
    If you eat them, they die.
  4. Stealing an idea from one us plagiarizing, stealing ideas from many is research.
    ~Steven Write

    Steal money from a pessimist, they don't expect it back.
    ~Steven Write

    This are both LOL that I received in an email.

    Also by him:
    I almots had a physic girlfriend, but she left before we met.

    86.82% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

    How do know when your out of invisible ink?

    All who believe in telekinesis raise my hand.
  5. I like all those. Mind if I add them to the first post?
  6. Absolutely!!
  7. You absolutely mind? x{P
  8. My karma ran over your dogma :)
  9. My dogma grew into a zombie godzillama and ate your karma.
  10. I loved the potato thing, my friend cracked up lol
  11. super long backstory... ull never hear it. but the last line I said to my friend endin the conversation:
    "That's not how planets have sex retard."
    it was super hilarious xD
    omg omg I bump this cuz I narby >:3
  12. Dd you delete Feathery Life?
  13. Cool quotes. Meryland I loved yours, made me crack up.
  14. Thank you
  15. If that's not a win, I don't know what is
  16. Waffles in programming class is also pretty win.
  17. I'm trying to get Victini ,_,

    He keeps breaking out if the damn Pokèball

     Next up, Arceus.
  18. -Ella Wheeler Wilcox :

    "Conversation : God and I in space alone... and nobody else in view... 'And where are all the people, Oh Lord', I said. 'the earth below and the sky overhead and the dead that I once knew?', 'That was a dream,' God smiled and said: 'The dream that seemed to be true; there were no people, living or dead; there was no earth, and no sky overhead, there was only myself in you.', 'Why do I feel no fear?' I asked, 'meeting you here in this way? For I have sinned, I know full well and is there heaven and is there hell, and is this Judgement Day? 'Nay, those were but dreams' the Great God said, 'dreams that have ceased to be. There are no such things as fear and sin; there is no you... you never have been. There is nothing at all but me.'."